Rest with a child on Samui

In the hot summer of last year, we wanted to spend a holiday, somewhere near the warm sea, in a rather exotic country, but without excess. Our child was one and a half years old at the time of the beginning of the trip, we decided that it is already possible to take him on a trip. The first criterion by which we chose the country is a moderate climate in any season, the second is the time of flight from Irkutsk and the number of transplants should be minimal, the third one is affordable and quality medicine and the fourth one is the simplicity in obtaining a visa.

After the discussion, we quickly chose Thailand. He completely satisfied our conditions, and about the visa it was generally simple. For citizens of Russia, she is put on the passport for a period of one month upon arrival in the country. Next, we faced the challenge of choosing a place of residence.

Proposals from travel agencies mainly came about visiting the island of Phuket, but they did not suit us for the following reasons: .Firstly, hotel accommodation is not suitable because of a small child who at his age needs homemade food, which can not be obtained with public catering, and this is provided only in a separate house .Secondly, the financial limit, the duration of the tour is usually 2 weeks, and the visa is provided for a month and I want to use this time as much as possible, that at least somehow justify the cost of flight .Due to these factors, we decided to travel independently and pick up something to your taste on the Internet .

After a short search, we chose Koh Samui, because of its reputation as an island for a family vacation .A large selection of houses for rent at different prices attracted our attention .We also liked the fact that there are several hypermarkets on the island in which you can buy all the things you need for a baby and for us .Attracted and the fact that there are several good hospitals, about which we read positive reviews .Only, on the advice of tourists who visited there, we took in advance an inexpensive insurance, the cost of which is about 2600 rubles per month, including two adults and a child, because in Thailand a very expensive treatment is .

After we decided on the place of the trip, we had only to reserve seats on the plane to Bangkok and, as it turned out, to issue a passport for the child that we did in two weeks.

Therefore, we decided that we will have a rest with the child on Samui.

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