What should I bring with me to the UAE?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Rest in the Emirates can be spoiled not only by importunate sellers in the market, but also by the lack of basic, but such necessary things . As in any other trip, one must take with a first aid kit with cold, poisoning, motion sickness medication for colds, poisoning, motion sickness . Despite the heat of 400C, it's very easy to get cold, it's enough to go from the sun to a room blown by air conditioners . Do not save on sunscreen with maximum protection and ointments from burns . Even if you take care your skin can be burned in two accounts . Arabian food with unaccustomed can cause indigestion, so preparations against poisoning symptoms must be in the medicine cabinet .

Russian-Arabic phrase book can help out outside the hotel . Wardrobe is needed to select especially carefully . UAE - the country is deeply religious, and the morals here are Muslimly strict . If you do not want to be arrested for open shoulders or a bare stomach, take care of light but closed clothes . Women with them need to take a long skirt, tunic, sarafan and o shkatsitelno shawl . Men enough cotton light trousers and shirts . Due to the same severe customs in the Emirates expensive and rare enough cigarettes, tobacco and alcohol . Hard-core smokers who did not take a stock of cigarettes from such prices for sure will want to quit .

April 23, 2013

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