Entebbe, located on the northern shore of Lake Victoria, presents an alternative to Kampala as the starting or ending point of travel around Uganda .Founded in 1894 as a strategic point for the development of Uganda's lands, the city eventually evolved into the unofficial capital of the country .In the past, the city served as a gathering place for the leaders of Buganda, the administrative center of the British colony and the seat of the provisional government of Uganda .Now it is a prestigious suburb in which local top-management and government officials prefer to settle .There are many old colonial parks, lakes, the air is clean, and the streets are calm and safe .

How to get to Entebbe

Entebbe International Airport accepts flights from Dubai, Nairobi, Cairo, Addis Ababa and Johannesburg. British Airways and KLM planes fly here.

Flight search in Entebbe


Travel around the city is convenient on a fixed-route taxi (matatu) or a regular taxi (which will cost a bit more). Local residents and thrifty tourists enjoy boda bodas - riding motorcycles as passengers.

The road from Entebbe to the national parks and sights of Uganda lies through Kampala. Minibuses are sent to Kampala every half hour, the journey will take approximately forty to fifty minutes.

Cuisine and restaurants Entebbe

In the market of Entebbe you can buy trunks of banana palms, on each of which - bunches of hundreds of fruits. The most popular local alcoholic drinks also continue the banana theme - banana beer and banana gin.

The average Ugandan a day eats three kilograms of bananas in fried, baked and stewed.

Despite the fact that the proximity to Lake Victoria makes it possible to include fresh freshwater fish in the menu, fish dishes in the local cuisine are practically not represented. They say that this is due to religious prohibitions of Ugandan tribes. Culinary extreme is represented by fried locust and termites.

In the city there are a lot of places with the usual tourists European and American cuisine. And Ugandan coffee is considered one of the best in the world.

Entebbe - a tour of Lake Victoria

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Entebbe

Lake Victoria is the main attraction of Entebbe - the largest in Africa and the second largest freshwater lake in the world. Its area is 69 thousand square meters. kilometers. In the lake there is an amazing fish - tilapia, which nurtures its offspring in the mouth, and no less exotic fish - a protopter that can breathe air. The lake is a favorite vacation spot for townspeople and tourists. You can sunbathe on beautiful beaches, take a walk on the lake, fish, visit the chimpanzee reserve on the island of Ngamba.

On the shore is the fishing village of Kasenya, famous for its market, where you can buy souvenirs and real works of art created by local craftsmen.

The educational center of wild nature (it's a zoo) is located near the city wharf. In addition to crocodiles, monkeys and antelopes, the endangered species of African rhinoceroses live in the zoo.

Species Entebbe

Botanical Garden

The National Botanical Garden, founded in 1898, is located on the north side of the lake, almost at the equator. The garden of more than forty hectares is divided into several thematic zones, where you can see unique representatives of the flora of Uganda, exotic flowers and medicinal plants. Here live rare birds, such as palm fret and a gray parrot.

Cinematographic classics - the famous film "Tarzan" with Johnny Weismuller was also shot in the botanical garden of Uganda.