How much is the rafting along the White Nile and the excursion to the park of Ruwenzori in Uganda?

Answers Tatiana Afonina, company "Miracle"
All excursions can be booked in Moscow at the stage of choosing a tour from the tour operator - this will reduce the time spent searching for a car, a guide and make the trip the most intense.

Rafting on the White Nile begins 80 km from Jinji. There are different duration of the alloy:

  • half a day - 4 thresholds (26 km)
  • for the whole day - 8 rapids (31 km)
  • for two days is 48 km

The price of rafting:

  • for half a day - about 90 USD
  • for the whole day - 140 USD
  • for two days - 270 USD

Rafting included lunch on the island, after rafting for the whole day - evening for skewers on skewers and beverages. In a boat, usually 6 or 8 people. After rafting, you can buy photos and videos - 110 USD. You should have a flash card with your photos on it.

The most popular route to the national park of Ruwenzori is a tour for 8 days with the conquest of the peak of Margarita. The cost of the 8-day tour is 1610 USD per person. If you choose accommodation in tents - 1350 USD. The price of the tour includes:

  • accommodation in lodges along the route
  • meals three times a day (personal cook)
  • permit in the park
  • porters
  • all taxes and fees
  • medical insurance

Additionally paid:

  • transfer from the airport to Ruwenzori
  • domestic flights
  • tip guides and the driver

The program of this route: the transfer from Entebbe - about 450 km, the cost is 700 USD for the car there and back. From Jinja to go about 520 km, the car with the driver will cost approximately 760 USD in both directions. There is a variant of domestic flight from Kajansi: the cost is negotiable, with a group of 2 people - 650 USD for a round trip ticket. The larger the group, the lower the price for air travel. If you buy an internal air ticket, then you need to add a transfer from the airport to the national park - that's about 40 USD per car in one direction.

October 30, 2014

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