The lunar mountains, described by the ancient geographer Ptolemy, still attract tourists today. It is in the national park of Ruwenzori that the longest river in the world of the Nile originates. This park in Uganda is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

You can see snow in Africa, but for this you will need a great desire, good physical preparation, and also climbing skills. To conquer the peaks of the Ruwenzori mountains, which are located at an altitude of 5000 meters, you need to be able to use "cats" and an ice ax. But the bravest and hardiest will be rightly rewarded for their perseverance.

What to see

On the territory of the park of Ruwenzori, the area of ​​which is about one thousand square kilometers, is the third highest peak in Africa - Margherita Peak. Only the most desperate will rise here, because its height is 5,109 meters. Peak Margherita, as well as another highest peak of Alexander (it is below Marguerita only a few meters - 5091), is on Mount Stanley.

In Ruwenzori, 10 peaks have a height of over 4,800 meters.

Altogether in Ruwenzori, 10 peaks have a height of over 4,800 meters: these are, for example, Mobius, Elena, Savoy, W. Emmanuel, Edward. To conquer such a height, it will take more than a day. Therefore, stock up on clothes, provisions and, of course, forces.

In the park of Ruwenzori there are mountain shelters where you can spend the night, have a snack or light a fire to make a full dinner.

Experienced tourists know that you need to carefully take care of their equipment, because climbing to the top of the mountain, you will almost within a few hours get out of the hot African summer in a cold snowy winter.

Many animals of the park of Ruwenzori are listed in the Red Book.

The national park of Ruwenzori is also famous for its unique vegetation and wildlife. So, here live unique individuals that are not found anywhere else: black and white colobus, bearded monkey, comb turako. Many animals of the park of Ruwenzori are listed in the Red Book. Among the unusual representatives of the fauna, one can distinguish a giant heather. There are even special excursions for those who want to meet with wild animals.

To see gorillas in their natural habitat, you can order a raid, the cost of which will be about 400 USD per hour.

One of the features of the mountains of the Ruwenzori Park, which will undoubtedly upset photographers, is a fog. The fog envelops not only the peaks, but all the mountains. But in the low part you can take pictures in magnificent forest areas, against the backdrop of beautiful lakes or mesmerizing waterfalls.

The Ruwenzori Mountains

How to get to

The national park of Ruwenzori is located near the town of Kasese, which is located 437 kilometers from the capital of Uganda - Kampala. The main airport of Uganda, which also accepts flights from Russia, is in Entebbe. Here Russian tourists can fly from Moscow, using the connecting flights of Egyptian, Turkish, Dubai and some other airlines. From Entebbe to Kampala regularly go minibuses - the interval of traffic is only half an hour.

Before Kasese from the capital of Uganda can be reached by taxi or bus, there are hotels for tourists, where you can rest and gain strength before traveling. In Kasese, you can easily find not only guides, but also porters: the local population basically earns this way. And already from the village of Nyakolengidja you will conquer the peaks of the mountains located in the park of Ruwenzori.

Prices are for December, 2013.

Ruwenzori, Uganda Ruwenzori
River, Ruwenzori, Uganda Ruwenzori
The river, Ruwenzori
Gorilla, Ruwenzori, Uganda Ruwenzori
Gorilla, Ruwenzori