According to statistics, Ukraine ranks 9th in the world in terms of the number of foreign students .And every year it becomes an increasingly attractive country in terms of getting an education .This is due to a large number of factors .First and foremost, foreign students are attracted to this country the opportunity to obtain a quality education for a moderate fee: Ukrainian universities occupy honorary places in the world rankings in the first two thousand out of 13, and the cost of training in them is noticeably lower than in the European counterparts .The tolerance of the local population to foreigners, the low cost of living and the rather mild climate prevailing in the country are also of great importance..Important is the fact that Ukrainian higher education institutions are allowed to teach in foreign languages ​​that are convenient for students from other countries, primarily Russian and English mean .

Education in Ukraine is
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Foreign students in Ukraine are dominated by immigrants from China, Russia, Turkey, Nigeria, Turkmenistan, Guinea, Jordan, Syria, Palestine..Many of them study here not only as an opportunity to get education for a moderate fee, but also as a chance to move to a more developed country .Do not be surprised at the number of Russians who went to receive an education in Ukraine's universities .The practically complete absence of a language barrier, cultural traditions, way of life and methods of teaching close to Russian, geographical proximity of Ukraine and Russia give good reasons to think about getting education in this country .A clear plus is the opportunity to find work in large Ukrainian cities on the received specialty .

Education in Ukraine is

Preparatory education

Since foreigners must demonstrate knowledge of the Russian language for studying in Ukraine, many higher educational institutions of the country have special preparatory departments for foreigners .Their programs include language training and the study of basic disciplines .After studying at the preparatory department, a foreign student can enter any chosen HEI, having passed the testing in Russian .The duration of study at the preparatory department is 1 year, the cost of training is from 1500 to 3000 dollars .The cost of training at the hospital varies for foreigners from $ 2,000 to $ 4,000 per year .

Where to study

According to the Ministry of Education, more than 40,000 foreign students are currently enrolled at higher educational institutions in the country..This, of course, is slightly less than, for example, in Germany, where more than 3,000 foreigners study in Heidelberg University alone, but not much .The number of foreign students in Ukraine is steadily growing, they are increasing by an average of 10% per year .Ukraine is interested in foreign students no less than they are interested in getting an education in Ukraine .In modern conditions, the number of Ukrainian citizens who have enough money to receive paid education has dramatically decreased, so the training of foreigners is one of the ways to fill the university budget, and the inflow of currency into the country: about $ 200 million annually brings to the state treasury the training of foreigners ±​​$ The .

More than half of the foreign students are concentrated in 5 Ukrainian cities: Kharkov (12000), Kiev (8000), Odessa (5000), Lugansk (3500), Donetsk (2500). According to the students themselves, the residents of these cities are most friendly to them, therefore, after completing their studies, many people try to find work here. This became especially noticeable after the wave of revolutions in the Arab countries.

If we talk about the specialties that foreign students prefer, then more than half of them chose medicine. This suggests that the traditions of education that existed in the Soviet Union and formed the basis for the formation of educational programs in Ukrainian universities have not lost their remarkable qualities and are still respected all over the world.

A significant number of students - and many Russians among them - have chosen for themselves specialties that are somehow connected with high technologies.

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Of course, the stay in the country of foreign youth is associated with the adaptation difficulties and differences in the realities of the country from what was promised in the advertising brochures .Unsupported hostels, old furniture in classrooms, obsolete equipment that is sometimes found in laboratories, are usually not mentioned at the stage of conclusion of the training contract, and therefore make a strong impression when you have to use it .Not all Ukrainians are loyal to foreign students, sometimes not realizing that they are not a burden to the state, but, on the contrary, a source of income and evidence of Ukraine's entry into the global community and the processes of globalization .But, despite the existing problems, the Ministry of Education of Ukraine predicts that the cherished milestone of 50,000 foreign students will be overcome in 2012 .

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Education in Ukraine is