Today, already beach rest, standard excursions and hotel entertainment, few people will be surprised - give tourists that more original. In this regard, the recreation and entertainment industry, adjusting to the selectivity of the tourist community, offers more non-standard products such as tours to industrial facilities.

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The history of industrial tourism dates back to the early 1980s, when Europeans began to be interested in plants and factories abandoned in the middle of the century as monuments of world industrialization.

Fashion for abandoned objects has found its continuation in our days. A vivid example is the industrial-extreme tours in Ukraine, in particular, at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Everyone wishing to visit the building of the power station in the framework of a tour of the order of $ 130, as well as stroll through the frozen areas of Pripyat and Chernobyl in the eternity.

With the passage of time, the interests of tourists gradually spread to the operating enterprises. And this is not an accident: this is a completely logical explanation from the point of view of the economy. Competition in the sphere of production of goods has reached such a level that the boundaries between the products of different manufacturers have become barely noticeable. Now the companies are trying to "take" the potential buyer not by the uniqueness of the product, by hospitality, by broadening the doors of their productions for everyone.

Foreign companies have long curbed the industry of impressions . For example, the Volkswagen concern, who planned the release of his Phaeton worth more than 100 thousand . dollars . Chances to break into the elite segment of the model almost was not .Then the campaign took a decisive step, specially building an assembly plant in Dresden to make the production of the new Phaeton .Visitors did not even need to go inside to see all the details of assembly works .The fact is that the plant was completely transparent, for which it was called the "glass manufactory" .Everyone could not only go inside and become a witness to the assembly of the novelty, but also to assemble an individual car, observing the process of assembling on a huge monitor in real time .Here the child was transferred to a happy "parent" .

Not only foreign, but also some Russian enterprises can boast of organized industrial tourism. Among other things, for visitors their doors are willing to be opens the St. Petersburg "Baltika", which pleases tourists with a glass passing under the ceiling of the corridor - this allows you not to interfere with the production of process. Finish excursions, accompanied by a guide account for a huge warehouse finished products, exceeding the football field in its area.

But the pioneer of Russian promuturism is rightly considered the capital plant "Ochakovo", which first opened its doors to visitors in 2004. For that To walk through the territory of the plant it is enough simply to issue an application. Acquaintance with the facilities of the company accompanied by a guide ends with a visit to the beer museum, of course, not without tasting the best of its varieties.

The material was posted on July 15, 2011.