Real estate in Odessa. Rent of villas and apartments in Odessa. How to rent or buy a house in Odessa or an apartment. Sale and rent: features and prices.

Odessa - Ukrainian pearl by the sea. So it is called not only at home, but far beyond its borders. The mild Black Sea climate, picturesque surroundings, beautiful beach areas, as well as the rapidly growing infrastructure, which includes shopping and business centers, entertainment complexes and residential buildings, only confirm this statement. Buying a property in Odessa is an advantageous acquisition, which allows not only to provide yourself with a great rest, but also to improve your financial situation.

New buildings are now in high esteem

Most of buyers are looking for housing that meets modern comfort requirements. This means that the "Khrushchevs" have long been out of favor, people are trying to escape from their cramped little rooms. Demand creates a supply and therefore Odessa today is one of the leaders in Ukraine in the construction of new buildings. They provide an opportunity to realize dreams of individual and comfortable housing, and disadvantaged neighbors will not spoil new settlers, because they simply will not be there.

Many people buy apartments in unfinished houses, because prices are lower than for the apartments in the finished house. In addition, it provides a wider choice. Nevertheless, you need to be careful and choose a construction company with a good reputation and reliable financing to avoid falling into the number of those who are waiting for the completion of the construction for years.

If you manage the money wisely, then buying the apartment will be most profitable during winter and May holidays, and also in the period of August-September, when prices are the least.

Seasonality and other pricing factors

Seasonality is one of the nuances of buying real estate in Odessa. This is the factor that is guaranteed to affect the growth or decline in the price of apartments purchased in Odessa. If you manage the money wisely, then buying apartments will be most profitable during the winter and May holidays, as well as in the period of August-September, when prices are the least.

However, although seasonality and has some influence on the growth of property prices in Odessa, it is still greatly exaggerated by human rumors, and to call it fundamental will be wrong . Much more impact on the fact of growth-lowering the cost of housing in Odessa have such factors as political stability, microeconomic indicators on which the Doha depend of the potential buyers, and, lately, the weather conditions . Also in some ways, the demand for real estate is affected by the change in the dollar and energy prices . Experts also talk about such factors as the possibility of an early change in the tax , housing or land laws of the country . We should not forget about the possibilities of obtaining mortgage loans .

Buying real estate in Odessa

When it is better to buy real estate in Odessa?

A great chance to get a discount on purchased housing is before the holidays - in mid-December or in the second half of April. It is better to buy country houses in the spring. In this case, you can really assess the condition of the house and land, see the results of its release from the snow, note the presence or absence of flooding of the site.

But the city apartment is better to take in the winter. So you can immediately understand how warm it is, whether there are problems with heating. In addition, during the middle of the autumn - the beginning of the winter, you can get to hold the events devoted to the New Year and Christmas holidays, which is not uncommon in the Odessa real estate market.

6 stages of acquisition of real estate in Odessa
  1. Selection of housing;
  2. Signing of the preliminary contract of sale (necessarily in the presence of a notary);
  3. Payment of collateral (approximately 5% of the contract amount);
  4. Signing of the main contract of sale
  5. Payment of the remaining 95% of the contract amount
  6. Registration of the purchased real estate in state bodies

What do you need to sign the contract?

To conclude a sales contract for an individual buyer, the following documents are required:

  1. Passport (of a citizen of Ukraine or Russia or a foreign citizen's passport with a valid visa or residence permit).
  2. The identification code (if the buyer invests in construction, it is best for him to do this through the purchase of target bonds of the Bank of Ukraine, which will protect his rights in further accession to ownership.) The identification code of the bondholder indicates this is his right.)
  3. spouse or their notarized consent to the conclusion of this transaction in case the buyer is married.

For a legal entity the package is somewhat different:

  1. The company's constituent documents are a certificate of the state registration of a person or an extract from the banking, judicial or commercial register. At the same time, it is necessary that the purchase made correspond to the size of the legal capacity of the legal entity.
  2. The order or the protocol on the appointment / election of the head of the legal entity - non-resident of Ukraine, or the power of attorney issued to his representative.
Печать юрлица.

If these documents are compiled outside the territory of Ukraine, then it is necessary to reassure them according to the legislation of the country where they were issued, translate into Ukrainian and legalize in the bodies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. upatel estate in Odessa?

The first is payment of the cost of housing, the second - the cost of taxation. Here it is a question of several taxes which need to be paid at registration of purchase (operates since January, 2007):

  1. For the apartment. Here there are several conditions:
    1. If the apartment has an area of ​​up to 100 m2, and the seller makes the first sale of real estate this year - you need to pay 1% of the state fee and the fee to the pension fund.
    2. If the sale is not the first, then in addition to the interest of the state duty and the pension fund, you also need to pay 5% of the income tax.
    3. If an apartment with an area of ​​more than 100 m2, and the sale is the first, then 5% of the income tax from the area is taken, which exceeds 100 m2.
  2. For the land, payment of taxes is simpler - you only need to pay 1% of state duty and 5% of income tax.
  3. For a house on the site, if its area does not exceed 100 m2, you need to pay 1% of state duty and 1% in PFCs, as well as 1% of the value of the site where it is located.

In addition, you need to take into account notary services. Which will cost about $ 100-150, as well as the cost of acquiring an insurance policy - 1% of the value of real estate. However, the insurance policy is purchased only at the request of the buyer.

At the moment it is rather difficult to take out a loan, if it is a question of buying land. It's much easier to buy a ready house on credit.
Vorontsovsky Lighthouse in Odessa - $ Real Estate in Odessa - $
Vorontsovsky Lighthouse in Odessa - $
Transfiguration Street in Odessahttp: // export = view & id = 1IFzZUSqIZTGoLa7q1vAxfh2ujr0-V1sQ Real Estate in Odessa - $
Preobrazhenskaya street
Primorsky Boulevard in Odessa - $ Real Estate in Odessa - $
Primorsky Boulevard

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