I'm going to the States. The situation is as follows: my passport is valid until 04.12.2013. Visa in the United States, valid for 2 more years. The trip dates are from 6 to 13 November. Already the second employee of the travel company says that I may not be released from Russia or allowed to enter the States, since the passport is coming to an end soon.
Is this true? On the basis of what I will not be released / not allowed? Where can I clarify this information?

Responds Oksana Blida, Unex
The official requirements of the US Embassy require a foreign passport to enter the country with a validity of at least six months from the date of the beginning of the expected period of stay in the United States.

In order not to risk, I would advise you to issue a new foreign passport and keep the old one. Thus, having an old passport with an American visa and a new valid passport, you can easily enter the US and use the American visa without having to re-register it.

October 25, 2013

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