Surprising Abkhazia - a republic located in the interfluve of Psou and Ingur, has been striking for many decades with its pristine beauty of everyone who comes to the southern slope of the Main Caucasian Range. It seems that the nature itself protects the fertile land: on the one hand Abkhazia is shielded from the cold by mighty mountains, on the other - they guard the waters of the rebellious Black Sea. The location of Abkhazia causes such diverse vegetation, unusual landscape and subtropical climate.

Landscapes of Abkhazia are incredibly picturesque: alpine meadows, mandarin groves, mountains with snow caps, quaint caves and gorges . The purest mineral waters, transparent mountain rivulets, a warm and slightly brackish sea - nature has created all the conditions for an ever-blossoming land rich in parks, meadows and virgin ancient forests. - $ . The coastline is more than 200 km, wild or equipped d sandy beaches can be met literally at every step. - $ . In summer, the water temperature remains low 18-20 ° C, but in September, when the so-called velvet season comes, the sea warms up to 25-26 ° C .

Abkhazia is often called a "country of the soul": mountain air and healing springs not only improve health and improve well-being, but also give vitality by helping "burned-out people" in the cities of large megacities reborn from the ashes. That is why many people come back here again and again, and those who want to rest body and soul several times a year acquire their own homes in Abkhazia at affordable prices.


Nuances of real estate acquisition in Abkhazia

The cost of real estate in Abkhazia is relatively lower than in other nearby resorts. And this despite the fact that the tax rate on owning real estate is quite low. Before Russia recognized the independence of Abkhazia, the prices for apartments in this fairy-tale republic were simply tiny - the apartment could be bought for 400-600 dollars.

However, people were afraid to acquire real estate near military operations, and the future of the evergreen republic was rather vague. Therefore, the local residents who left their native land gave the Russians living space practically for nothing. Today the situation has changed: in recent years, prices have increased significantly and are projected to grow. The reason for this is the proximity of Sochi and Sukhumi airports located just a few dozen kilometers apart, and the approaching 2014 Olympics in Sochi.

After the republic of Abkhazia separated and rose to its feet, in 1995 the authorities issued a law that prohibits citizens of other states from purchasing real estate. However, our compatriots, as usual, found a loophole - they began to buy living quarters with the help of local residents, so that later they could be profitable to resell. Today, the process of buying real estate in Abkhazia is more orderly. Nevertheless, it is still impossible to legally formalize a property in full ownership.

Although it is worth noting that there are a number of ways to still get such a welcome home.

First, you can apply for a real estate gift from a citizen of Abkhazia, or get the right to own it through a will. However, this method is not very reliable - realtors often warn that fraudsters are increasingly using it to illegally get money.

Most often, as optimal places for living and recreation, choose Gagra, Pitsunda, Gudauta and, of course, the capital of the Republic, - Sukhum.

Secondly, it is possible to become a co-founder or co-owner of an enterprise together with a neo-Abkhaz (no matter what percentage), and, subsequently, formalize the purchased property for a legal entity. It will cost about 2,000 dollars. However, it should be remembered that in this case you are obliged to conduct commercial activities in the territory of Abkhazia.

There is a third option, which is considered the least controversial to the Law of 1995 - you can buy real estate under the so-called "three-year" power of attorney .That is, the citizens of Abkhazia who sell you housing, along the way, draw up a power of attorney for you for three years, without losing the right to own it .However, here there are their pitfalls .In fact, you do not have guarantees that when the time comes to renew this power of attorney, the owners of real estate will agree to an extension, at least without additional payment, because the prices are constantly growing, and they will be guided exclusively by the average market price at that time for the given accommodation .

Where to buy housing in Abkhazia?

On the territory of Abkhazia, everyone will find their favorite city or resort: closer to the gentle Black Sea or, conversely, to the peaks of the Caucasus. Most often, as optimal places for living and recreation, choose Gagra, Pitsunda, Gudauta and, of course, the capital of the Republic - Sukhum. All these cities are in different distances from the Russian-Abkhaz border, each of them is attractive to investors and tourists with its extraordinary natural beauty and sights.

Property prices in Abkhazia

Prices for real estate are absolutely equal - the cost of the acquired property depends only on the size of the land plot attached to it or on the type of the real estate itself.

The apartment can be bought from 300 thousand rubles, a land plot from 1, 4 million rubles, and a house from 2.5 million rubles. In summer, the cost of buying housing increases, as well as rental prices - and this is understandable, because at this time, many tourists. Rent a living space can be for a very pleasant amount - from 200 to 2000 rubles per day, depending on the type and location of housing.

Abkhazians are very hospitable, every person who comes to the land of mandarins and mineral waters will feel welcome and will feel the warmth and kindness of the host, and the unique nature of the fabulous Abkhazia will make you fall in love with this small republic once and for all.

Streets of Sukhumi Real estate in Abkhazia
Streets of Sukhumi
Gagry, the restaurant Real estate in Abkhazia
The Gagripsh Restaurant in Gagra.
Quay in Sukhumi Real estate in Abkhazia
Quay in Sukhumi
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Real estate in Abkhazia