The Belarusian language (Belarusian Mova) is one of the three Eastern Slavic languages ​​along with Ukrainian and Russian. Equal to Russian is the state language of the Republic of Belarus.

Greetings, common expressions

Good Morning Dobra raion
Good evening (evening) Dobry dzen (vecher)
Good bye Yes pabachennya
How are you? Yak on the right?
Thank you, good Dziakui, goodness
Please Kalilask
Sorry Prabachet
What is your name? Yak your name?
My name is Meane zavuts .. .. $
Does anyone here speak Russian? Hto do not forget about it here?
I do not understand you I do not understand you
Yes So (Yes)
No Not (No)
I like you You give me a pounding
Do you have a young man / girlfriend? Do you have a child / dzyauchyna?
I love you I qyabe kahai
I'm lost I'm a loser

Figures and numbers

Zero Zero
One Adzin
Two Two
Three Fairs
Four Chatyrs
Five Pyach
Six Shests
Seven Sem
Nine Nine
Ten Дзесяць
Twenty Doubles
Thirty + $ Trembling
Forty + $ Sorak
Fifty Fifty + $
Sixty + $ Shestsiadty
Seventy Seventy
Eighty ±​​$$ Eighty
Ninety The Ninety%

Shops, hotels and restaurants

Do you have spare rooms? Do you have free packs?
How much does a room for two people cost? How many pieces of a chestnut room for two kalavec?
I'll stay for six nights I'll be on a shests Nach
I would like to buy I hateu would be a kupits .. .. $
How much does it cost? Skolki Geta kashtue?
I do not like it I geta not Padabayezza
I take it I Byaru Geta
Table for two, please Table on two, kalilask
Can I see the menu? Mage, I paglyadzesse the menu?
What is your signature dish? What kind of company do you have?
Waiter! Afitsyyant!
It was great Geta was tsudouna
Coffee, please Coffee, kalilask
Tea, please Garbatu, kalilask
Please give me an account of Dace, kalilaska, rahunak (or simply - schot)
Do you accept credit cards? Qi primeatetsa kreditnyaya cards?


How much is the ticket to ...? Kolki kashtue ticket from ...?
Two tickets in ..., please Two tickets from ..., kalilask
How can I get ...? Yak me dabratsa ...?
Please show on the map Kalilaska, pakazhyce on the penis
Railway station Chygunachny vakzal
Where can I buy a ticket? Do I buy a ticket to the magician?
Does this train / bus stop at ...? Gates train / bus jumping from ..?