Easter Island, located in the South Pacific, is one of the most mysterious islands in the world. Its large population speaks mainly Spanish, but the island was opened by a Dutch traveler as far back as 1722 on the significant Easter holiday.

The island keeps a lot of secrets. And a large number of extinct volcanoes indicate that in the past it was far from the quietest and quietest place. However, the climate on Easter Island is warm and comfortable, so the adaptation of tourists will be fast enough.

Needless to say, this mysterious island is a favorite place for visiting tourists, and therefore there is a constant construction here. A great alternative to a wedding in Cyprus is the wedding on Easter Island. What draws tourists to this island? What other unsolved mysteries do they want to solve?

Well, for example, the appearance of stone statues on the coast of the island. Until now, their emergence is a topic for disputes. Stone sculptures in the form of human heads reach twenty meters, and according to local residents, they "walked" on the coast. A few years ago, it would seem, this mystery was solved. And even an experiment was carried out to transfer the statues. But still their origin remains a mystery, and the superstitious population believes in the independent movement of figures.

Another secret is the writing of the people of Easter Island. In ancient times they had their own writing, which can not be deciphered until now. All that has been investigated up to our times, says that here in ancient times lived a highly developed race, it is unclear how it turned out on the island. Historical roots go back centuries, so they hide as much information as you can learn, for example, on excursions around Cyprus.

And finally, in the folklore of the local population there is a mention of the famous navel of the Earth. This name was given to the ritual platform with a large round stone in the middle. These nationalities were belligerent and constantly fought. Even cannibalism was present. It is possible that the ritual platform was designed specifically for cannibalism, where the victorious warriors ate the meat of their enemy.

That's probably all about this mysterious island. It has attracted attention for many centuries. And how many people will be, there will be as many opinions about the origin and origin of the people of the Easter Island, perpetuated themselves by created stone statues.