Higher School of Economics in Prague

Praha 3, Zizkov

 Universities of Czech Republic High School of Economics in Prague is the leading educational institution in the Czech Republic, where professionals are trained in the field finance, management, informatics and international relations. If we talk about the history of the university, it was founded almost hundred years ago, and today it is very prestigious to study here.

Karlov University

Praha, Celetna, 597/13

 Universities of Czech Republic Karlov University in Prague is the most prestigious higher educational institution in the Czech Republic , the oldest university in Central Europe - was founded in 1348 by the Czech King and Roman Emperor Charles IV. Not only Prague, but the whole world recognizes Charles University as one of the most outstanding scientific centers in the world.

Masarykov University in Brno

Brno, Kamenice, 126/3

 Universities of Czech Republic Masaryk University in Brno is one of the largest and most prestigious state universities in the Czech Republic. It was founded in 1919 largely thanks to the first president of Czechoslovakia, Tomasz Masaryk. Today more than 40,000 students master the specialty here, among which, by the way, many foreigners.

Study in universities of the Czech Republic is no less prestigious today than, say, in the UK or the USA. - $ . Diplomas of Czech universities are listed on to the whole world, because the quality of education received here remains consistently high . Czech universities are divided into public and private . In the first, as in Russian universities, you can study for free, in private studies, respectively, paid . Form of training in Czech universities ra knowing and in many respects similar to our . There is both a master's and bachelor's degree, and a post-graduate course . Listening lectures can be a full-time or part-time student .

In the Czech Republic there are about 30 state and about 50 private universities. So here you can get almost any specialty of interest, be it humanitarian or technical sciences, medicine, economics, architecture or art.

And now as regards receipts .It is a mistake to think that getting into the budget at the universities of the Czech Republic is something from the field of fantasy .Quite the contrary .Czech universities are loyal enough not only to applicants of their country, but also to foreigners .To enroll in a state university one must fulfill one main condition - successfully pass the entrance exams for the chosen specialty .True, the tests and tasks will not have to be solved in English, but in Czech language .Therefore, to gnaw granite science in the university all subsequent years will also have to in this language .

Especially for foreign applicants, Czech universities offer preparatory courses for studying the Czech language .But since it will take a year or two to dedicate it, it is better to learn Czech in advance at home and come here already "savvy" .Of course, in the Czech Republic there are a lot of universities where you can get knowledge in English and even Russian, but they say that such a diploma here is valued less than .In addition, the number of specialties taught in Russian (and what to conceal, the level of education) is somewhat lower than if you study directly in Czech .This option is suitable for those who want to get a "crust" abroad, but work in their homeland .

Higher education in Czech Republic (Czech)

On admission to the universities of the Czech Republic should be thought of as early as possible, because the reception of documents here does not begin in the summer, as is customary here, but in winter, in February. Examinations in Czech universities, as a rule, take in the spring - in April - May. You can apply at once to several universities. In the Czech Republic there are about 30 state and about 50 private universities. So here you can get almost any specialty of interest, be it humanitarian or technical sciences, medicine, economics, architecture or art.

By the way, today in the Czech Republic there are branches of universities of other European countries, including the USA.

Despite the fact that Czech universities offer free tuition, certain costs are still expected to be .First, when registering a student visa, it is required that the bank account of a foreign applicant has an amount of several thousand EUR (to confirm the so-called financial well-being) .Secondly, there are imminent spending on accommodation, food, transportation and other purchases, note, at European prices .I am glad that with good studies in the universities of the Czech Republic you can count on several types of scholarships, but, we note that they do not always cover the necessary expenses of students .Certain bonuses are also relied on by the student universities of private universities .So, some Czech schools for diligent studies meet students and when paying for tuition they make them tangible discounts .

How much does it cost to study in private universities in the Czech Republic?

On average, tuition for a master's degree and a bachelor's degree for one year will cost somewhere between 40000 - 50000 CZK (or 2000 - 2500 USD). There are, of course, universities, where education costs an order of magnitude higher.

Finally about the most famous universities in the Czech Republic. Thousands of applicants every year storm the walls of Charles University (for the Czech Republic it is like American Harvard or English Oxford), and also seek to enter the Higher School of Economics in Prague and the Masaryk University in Brno.

All prices are shown as of February 2014

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Universities of the Czech Republic