Those who want to get unforgettable impressions of their wedding often choose not only wedding trips to exotic countries, but also plan a wedding ceremony in an unusual atmosphere. Newlyweds choose extreme parachute jumps or romantic sea cruises, just to spend the wedding day not like everyone else. However, if you do not relate to those who are desperate to risk their lives, but dream of an unusual wedding, then the best option is for you to have a wedding in the Czech Republic.

Why this country? Yes, because it is not romantic to find a country, its spirit, beauty is perfect for a wedding ceremony. In addition, there are a large number of options for the wedding.

If you are playing a wedding directly in the capital of the Czech Republic, then opt for the heart of this amazing city, namely, the City Hall. It is located in the Old Town Square, the perimeter of which is decorated with houses of various architecture. You can hold a ceremony in the Old Town Hall, in the main wedding hall of the city, to the sound of organ music.

Theatrical wedding in Prague

Karlštejn Castle - a symbol of the Czech kingdom of the Gothic period, is one of the most beautiful castles in the country. Thanks to the medieval atmosphere, the ceremony of marriage will be even more romantic and majestic. The castle Karlstejn is located only thirty kilometers from Prague.

The castle of Sikhrov, also called the "corner of France", is a work of art from the Romantic era. It was built in the late 17th century. Located in a picturesque area, it attracts a large number of people wishing to marry in a romantic, non-gothic environment.

Another castle in which you can hold a marriage ceremony is Dobris - an unusual castle built in the middle of the 18th century in rococo style, with an expressive exterior performance.

Relatively recently opened for its visitors the doors and the castle of Brandis, which was the residence of the last Austro-Hungarian emperor. The Royal Castle - a valuable architectural monument of the Renaissance, will be an ideal place for a wedding.

The Shtirin Castle is another favorite place for the newlyweds. The unusual Baroque castle is struck by the abundance of greenery, ponds and lakes located on its territory.

Whichever place you would choose for the wedding ceremony in the Czech Republic, an unforgettable experience will stay with you for life.