Armando Bermudez National Park

Armando Bermudez National Park

 National parks of the Dominican Republic National park Jose Armando Bermudez was created by the government of the Dominican Republic in 1956. It is located in the central part of the island, on the mountain ridge of the Central Cordillera, in the province of Santiago. The park adjoins another well-known reserve of José del Carmen Ramírez.

Los Aitises National Park

Sabana de la Mar

 National parks of the Dominican Republic Los Aitises National Park is a real paradise for ecotourism fans. The park was created in 1976 and occupies a vast territory of more than 200 square meters. km on the peninsula of Samana. Grasped mangrove swamps, palm and cotton thickets, picturesque green islets and mysterious caves.

Haragua National Park


 National parks of the Dominican Republic In the southern part of the Penernal Peninsula in the territory of almost 1400 square meters. km (along with the islands) is the national park of the Dominican Republic of Kharagua. It is the largest reserve of the Caribbean islands and an ideal place for wildlife lovers.

El Choco National Park

Puerto Plata, El Choco, El Choco National Park

 National parks of the Dominican Republic National Park El Choco - one of the youngest in the Dominican Republic, which, however, did not prevent it from becoming a very popular natural landmark. On the territory of more than 77 square meters. km are pasture land and thick tropical thickets, which are covered with mountain formations.

The main asset is rather poor economically Dominicans - its nature .Wet rainforests, scorching sand dunes, clear high waterfalls, deepwater caves, emerald salty lakes, steep mountains, stormy rivers, vast beaches ... Impresses the diversity of flora and fauna. - $ . On the territory of the country there are almost 6 thousand . varieties of plants, and more than half are endemics, that is, they grow only here . Rare species of birds, reptiles, mammals live in the Dominican forests . Of course, such natural wealth is very vulnerable to man and needs special protection . Ч more than 20 national parks have been created in the Dominican Republic . Most of them are open to tourists, however, in some excursions are possible only accompanied by guides . Today Dominican reserves have become real tourist magnets , more than offsetting the lack of cultural and archaeological places of leisure .

Today, the Dominican reserves have become real tourist magnets, more than compensating for the lack of cultural and archaeological places of interest.

The most famous reserves

One of the most famous Dominican reserves is the amazing park Los Aityses, located on the peninsula of Samana. The untouched nature: areas of mangrove swamps, cotton thickets, small green islets and mysterious caves - alternate with well-organized tourist areas. For visitors only a part of the park is open, and even there walks are only possible together with the group and with a guide.

Tourists are offered a wide range of entertaining programs with visits to the caves of La Arena, La Linea and San Francisco, Lorenzo.

El Choko National Park is still very young, but the glory of it has spread far beyond the country. The reserve is directly buried in a rich tropical greenery. More than 900 species of plants grow in the park, among them the colony of orchids are especially striking. The main pride of the reserve is the cave complex "Caribbean Karst" with underground pools. To the caves themselves you can get on the hiking trail, swim to them on boats or with scuba-diving. In cold underground lakes it is very pleasant to swim in the heat.

José Armando Bermúdez National Park is located in the central part of the island, on the Central Cordillera mountain ridge. It is adjoined by another famous reserve - José del Carmen Ramírez. Together they form an amazing natural pair that has become the site of the three highest mountains: La Pelon, La Rusia and the highest peak of Duarte in all the Antilles.

Other reserves of the Dominican Republic

Del Este National Park is located in the south-eastern part of the country. The center of attraction for tourists is the island of Saona, its wild beaches seem to be created for those who would like to experience the happiness of Robinson Crusoe.

Here, as in many other Dominican reserves, you can find traces of the Indian tribe Taino, who lived in the Antilles and neighboring islands in the pre-Columbian era.

On the island of Kabritos you can observe the caimans, iguanas and flamingos, and also stroll through the thickets of cacti. Divers - a direct path to the marine reserve of La Caleta, the success of which provides coral reefs with a bunch of inhabitants, picturesque racks and incredibly clear water. In the Eastern National Park tourists are waiting for more than 400 square meters. km of subtropical selva and dry forests, as well as caves with ancient Indian drawings.