What to bring from the Dominican Republic?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Dominican Republic - these are the most famous of the Caribbean. Some would give a lot for the opportunity to relax on these hot islands. If you have become one of these lucky ones, surely your less lucky friends and relatives will expect interesting gifts from you. It remains only not to disappoint their expectations and take back really unique things.

South America and the Caribbean are, of course, coffee .In a sea of ​​soluble concentrates so sometimes you want to take a sip of a real fragrant drink .Therefore, a pack of Dominican coffee will be more than a wonderful gift to your friends .If your choice has fallen on this product, seasoned tourists recommend taking Santo Domningo - the most famous local coffee, which ranks third in quality in the world .In addition to coffee itself, you can also bring a local recipe for its preparation .To do this, the water boils in a small metal vessel, sometimes with the addition of nutmeg or cloves, after which the ground coffee is poured into it and quickly filtered through a cotton strainer .

What else is associated with the Dominican Republic? Of course, cigars. The Dominican Republic is a recognized leader in the production of real cigars made from natural first-class tobacco. It is interesting that really high-quality cigars are twisted exclusively by hand, without using automatic devices. They smoke only not in tightening, so even a non-smoker must take advantage of the opportunity and take with him to his homeland a dozen or two of these items. Among the names are Arturo Fuente, La Aurora, Juan Clemente and others.

Larimar is a mysterious word that already attracts one. It is a semi-precious mineral that is mined almost exclusively in the Dominican Republic. Therefore, not to take home jewelry from it would be just a mistake. The color of these stones varies from light blue to dark blue hues. Of course, framed in gold, these stones will be prohibitively expensive, but tin can be seen in local markets. The local population believes that the larimar has positive energy.

May 17, 2013

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