Going on a trip, we all study the peculiarities of the country, where we keep our way. Perhaps, we learn elementary vocabulary in order to understand local residents, we read about culture and traditions. Pre-studied customs and customs allow you to avoid trouble with the local population. And what should every self-respecting tourist who travels to the Dominican Republic know?

Holiday on the Dominican Republic - tourists on a note
Holiday on the Dominican Republic - tourists on a note
Holiday on the Dominican Republic

Almost all hotels in the Dominican Republic operate on an all-inclusive basis. That is, tourists who prefer a lazy holiday can take with them a minimum of cash to buy local souvenirs. For everything else they paid, having already bought a tour.

Basically, the tip is already included in the cost of service in restaurants and cafes. Usually the amount of "tea" is 10%, but if you are satisfied with the service, then add to the account another 5%.

Going to the Dominican Republic, vaccinate against yellow fever. This procedure is compulsory for every tourist and you do not have the right to enter the country unless you provide an appropriate certificate at the border post before departure.

While on vacation in the Dominican Republic, do not forget to use a sunscreen with a protection level of at least 50 units. The sun in the country is very bright, so work with the population and tourists is conducted everywhere to prevent the formation of skin cancer.

Use only bottled or specially purified drinking water for drinking and hygiene procedures! All liquid must be sterilized, and if you buy milk or juice, make sure that the package is carefully sealed and the product is pasteurized.

It is believed that the most unfavorable time to visit the country is from July to August. At this time, usually offered tours to the Dominican Republic, as the storm and wind scare tourists. However, in reality the bad weather passes very quickly, the tropical rainfall ends in 15 minutes, and the wind from the sea brings the long-awaited coolness. In addition, the approach of the storm is reported on the local television, and this time you can wait at the bar for a glass of local cocktail.

Dominicans are literally obsessed with business cards. So, if you have any, grab them as souvenirs for local residents and get ready in return to get a large number of business cards Dominicans. Residents of the island prefer to use bright polygraphy and do not stint on the rich decorations of their business cards. They can be given as fun little things to their fellow representatives of similar professions.