Today, more and more lovers refuse the traditional wedding ceremony in their native walls with a hundred friends and relatives, a toastmaster, a ransom and other pretty, but already rather boring attributes of the marriage .The main day in the life of newlyweds is increasingly becoming a holiday for two, and this is more in line with the romantic idea of ​​the beginning of a life together than the traditional wide festivities - and economically more profitable .Many couples, having decided to unite themselves by marriage, choose the same country where they will spend their honeymoon for the ceremony - and from the point of view of saving time it is also reasonable .

In recent years, such a country is increasingly becoming the Dominican Republic. Why it? You can find many answers to this question, but the most accurate is probably the following: many couples (especially their beautiful half) dream to spend a honeymoon on the coconut-palm coast of the turquoise sea - in general, in a place that is associated with "paradise on earth."

Dominican is just such a paradise, in which thousands of lovers come every year to marry together. In this regard, in recent years in the Dominican Republic, the wedding industry has developed enormously, each hotel has its own wedding receptionist, and registration of marriages and wedding ceremonies have been put on stream and perfected to perfection. However, it is worth knowing a few nuances of Dominican weddings so that you do not have unexpected problems.

Weddings in the Dominican Republic

Wedding Ceremony

There are two types of wedding ceremony: official and symbolic .The official ceremony has legal force, but it requires the execution of a package of documents that must be provided to the agency no later than one month before the ceremony..In addition, the processing of documents (and this translation and legalization of documents in the consulate of the Dominican Republic and the reverse translation and legalization of the marriage certificate) will fly into the penny .Separately, this service is worth at least $ 1500, when the wedding tour is paid in its entirety - it comes out slightly cheaper .In addition, you will receive a valid marriage certificate in Russia not earlier than one and a half months after the ceremony..The official ceremony also has another drawback: there is much less room for maneuver: in the Dominican Republic, marriages are registered not only in the local registry office, of course, but not every judge is invited to host, say, an underwater wedding ceremony..Therefore, the official ceremony is an option for the most fundamental .

When ordering a wedding tour, please specify, the official ceremony is included or symbolic: the prices for these services vary greatly.

For those who have already registered their relations in the main host country, but want to re-live this day - only for two and in an exotic setting, and there is a symbolic wedding ceremony. It does not have legal force, but serves exclusively to create a holiday atmosphere. There is less ceremony - the simplest will cost $ 990 - and can take place almost anywhere.

Newlyweds on the Dominican Republic Wedding in the Dominican Republic
In the resort of Cap-Cana Wedding in the Dominican Republic
Newlyweds on the beaches of the Dominican Republic Wedding in the Dominican Republic

Wedding at the seaside

The most common variant of the Dominican wedding is a wedding on the beach .As a rule, these are either varieties of the "flower wedding" - when the wedding arch, bouquets, glasses and other details are decorated with one kind of flowers, or a maritime-style wedding - when seashells are used for decoration, seafood serves as appetizers, and the ceremony itself is held on the coast, strewn with starfish .If you omit details of the design, then this standard set includes: decorating the place of the ceremony (arch, flowers, chairs for guests), transfer from the hotel, the ceremony itself (usually in English and / or Spanish), a bridal bouquet and groom's boutonniere, a bottle champagne for the ceremony and another - for an evening dinner in the restaurant, dinner itself (optional), photographer services (number of photos - from 10 pcs..) .

Also optional is a trio of Caribbean musicians to accompany the ceremony, the wedding night at the hotel can also be included in the cost of the ceremony, and be paid separately.

Many weddings, good and different

In addition to the beach, the venue for the wedding can choose an open gazebo, a lobby bar, a Catholic church or a conference hall - depending on the hotel, under the patronage of which the ceremony is held .From exotic weddings, a ceremony is offered in the jungle (it differs little from the beach except entourage) and under water .In the second case, the newlyweds are immersed in scuba diving, the judge immersed with them announces signs with their husband and wife, and then the ceremony continues on the boat .In recent years, the popularity of the Caribbean wedding has increased - it is, in fact, the variation of the bride's ransom, set in a pirate style .

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Wedding in the Dominican Republic