Each of us is always looking for a product or service that is cheaper .Hot tours, last minute tours, burning tours are the same goods and services, they can become like an ideal purchase and a superb vacation, so they can just disappoint $ ±.Usually the tour operator offers a hot ticket to a particular country with discounts up to 40% .Such a ticket can be bought as a rule, 1-2 days before departure .Therefore, for most tourists who can quickly get together on the road, such trips will be beneficial .However, it may happen that a burning tour can be and inconvenient in terms of resting .Below we consider the concepts of qualitative and substandard burning tours .

Review of the concepts of qualitative and substandard burning tours and permits
Review of the concepts of qualitative and substandard burning tours and permits
Last minute tours

Low-quality burning tours

At once we will make a reservation that in the modern tourism this phenomenon is rather rare and as a rule it is not widespread in large cities of Russia. The main problem that a tourist usually encounters when acquiring a burning ticket is a lack of information about the place of rest. Let's say that the hotel is not in demand or close to construction, problems with the beach, etc. No one wants to go to this hotel and he has to greatly reduce the cost of recreation to earn at least something.

Sometimes the cost of a burning tour hides behind cheap tickets for a bus, train or plane. Basically, the low cost of tickets depends on little-known or not-known carrier companies in general. Such companies are forced to reduce the cost of tickets in order to survive in a competitive struggle with large carrier companies. Reducing costs is achieved by: renting an old aircraft, low-skilled personnel, a more dense schedule of its work, flight at inconvenient times, etc.

In addition, when buying a burning tour, you can face the fact that on arrival in the country where you are going to rest, you are offered a replacement hotel, since it is supposedly fully booked .In this case, you will be offered a hotel of the same category, they will say that it is better than that, but most likely it will be vice versa, and it will be worse, with a lower initial cost than you ordered, by choosing a tour .In this fraud, having booked a burning ticket, you will not even realize that you paid for another cheaper hotel .All these moments can be attributed to poor-quality burning tours .

Quality burning tours

The opportunity to buy a quality burning tour at a low cost is really available. Last minute tours mostly appear in the off-season. At this time, the hotels are not fully loaded and offer decent discounts, for example, on burning tours to Turkey and burning tours to Egypt can be accurately calculated, since in these countries the peak season is in July, August and October, November respectively, and the months "near "Are a little less in demand, although the weather is almost the same as in the peak season.

Also, quite cheap special offers may appear, if the operator has not calculated its capabilities with blocks of seats for flights. That is, beforehand bought, say, 50 seats, and two days before departure not sold 20. In this situation, in order to fill their seats and not lose the money invested in advance, the tour operator greatly lowers the cost in order to work at zero or sometimes even in a small loss. That is, quality burning tours with discounts - it is quite realistic and they depend on the vagaries of demand and are usually in the off-season, and are almost never in its peak or holidays.

Of course, here, as in life, you need to be well informed. Reliable information can always be obtained from those people who have already rested on burning permits. It is always necessary to beware of adventurous and fraudulent proposals, but if you get a burning tour from a well-established travel agent or agency, then you can safely take advantage of his offer! Enjoy your vacation on profitable special offers!