Fiji is one of the best diving sites in the world, thanks to the local coral reefs formed by so-called "soft corals". The water here is ideal for diving - the temperature is kept around the year around + 25 ° C (May-November) to +30 ° C in summer. Visibility reaches 40 meters.

At Viti Levu, the best dive sites are in the Coral Coast ("Coral Coast") and Pacific Harbor, in the Beka lagoon (crater of an extinct volcano 16 km in diameter), as well as off the banks of Vatulele. Good dive sites are off the coast of Yasawa and the group of islands of Mamanuka. To the south is the island of Kandavu with its famous reefs of Astrolabe, Namalata, Solo and Tawuki. On the banks of the Sava-i-Lau and Yasawa there are interesting underwater caves.

Off the coast of Vanua Levu, there are good reefs in the Somosomo Strait, where the world-famous "Great White Wall", and Rainbow Reef with more than 20 dive sites, as well as the islands of Camea, Laukala and Mataghi. Two long barrier reefs stretch between Vit-Levu and Vanua Levu. To reach the reefs is most convenient from Nananu-i-Ra and the islands of Lomaiviti. Rak-diving should be sought in the waters of Levuka - Ovalau Island.

Shores of Fiji Diving in Fiji
Underwater beauty off the coast of Fiji Diving in Fiji
Sunset on the coast of Fiji Diving in Fiji

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Diving in Fiji