A calm, unhurried and slightly "mundane" Finland since the very beginning of the Russian Federation has been our reliable next-door neighbor and the first partner in shy deals on the import of household appliances, household items and cars ... However, since then a lot of water has flowed, and now Finnish companies are willing to go on cooperation with Russians, and business is booming on both sides!

As for tourism, first of all our northern neighbors are famous all over the world for the village of Santa Claus, over which the bright and almost tangible northern lights shine in the winter . In addition, for skiers and snowboarders who do not aspire to the ostentatious splendor of the Alps and the Himalayas, but also not wanting to deny themselves the European level of service, Finland can become a real discovery! Just imagine a New Year's meeting in an authentic atmosphere, among real deer, skating on frozen lakes, under the splendor of "Aurora Borealis", in anticipation of a hot Finnish sauna and spending the night in a cozy wooden hut ... I want to set off right now!

How to get to the Scandinavian Wonderland? Ways mass - car, train, motor cruise ... However, if you do not want to waste time on the road, the best choice will be an airplane.

How to get to the Scandinavian Wonderland? Ways to mass - a car, a train, a motor cruise ... However, if you do not want to waste time on the road, the best option will be the plane . Airports in Finland are mass, so take time to find the nearest to the destination - it is quite possible that you can even save, choosing a change to another plane instead of a flight to Helsinki and traveling from there by ground transportation . By the way, in Helsinki it's easy to get in a couple of hours by direct flight from Aeroflot or Finnair from Sheremetyevo - to meet the growing demand for $ . From St. Petersburg in the flight will have to spend an hour - no longer than a trip to work!

Alpine skiers, as a rule, choose flights from the capital to Rovaniemi or Kuusamo, and inveterate fishermen go to the resorts of the Ă…land Islands. Local airlines are quite reliable, accurate, and the service is not inferior to the leading European airlines. The main thing - to plan your route in advance, so as not to get stuck somewhere on the way because of the lack of necessary tickets. Be careful, and have a pleasant stay!

If you want to spend the main "long" holidays of the year with benefit and pleasure, be sure to check the page "Flights to Finland for the New Year."