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The origin of the name Montmartre is not exactly known. Some believe that it comes from Mons Mercuri, others from Mount Mars (in Latin Mons Martis) or from the Martyrs (Mons Martirium), and the Jacobins during the Great French Revolution claimed that in fact " Montmartre "means Mount Marat, ignoring the fact that this name is several centuries older than Marat itself.

In the early 20th century, Montmartre was called the cradle of bohemia and because the hill had a lot of unusual visitors. Here a lot of unusual stories were born.

Take, for example, the famous abstract landscape "Sunset over the Adriatic Sea", written exactly in Montmartre and caused in due time a terrible scandal. The landscape was exhibited in the Salon of Independent and had considerable success there until the author, who turned out to be an ass named Lolo, became famous. Roland Dorjele decided to joke on the abstractionists, putting Lolo back to the canvas, next to the paint basins, and giving him a cookie so that the donkey waved his tail, getting then into the paint, then the canvas.

By the way, the outgoing landscape looked no worse than the other works exhibited by him, and the only one who did not fall for the rally was the poet Guillaume Apollinaire - and even then only because he was perfectly aware of the author's personality.

To admire the pictures of the artist at work (from three angles) and the landscape itself you can always in the museum of Montmartre. In addition, you can see the place in which the picture was created. The Cabaret "The Nimble Rabbit", owned by Lolo, still works and preserves old traditions. In it and to this day there are French writers and poets, and the concerts are attended by visitors singing songs that have not changed in the last century.

Walking through Montmartre

The love of one's own traditions and history is another feature of Montmartre. Half of the tiny cafes and cabaret posters posted on the walls are notified about events that took place long before the birth of the current owners, all the drawings on the walls are carefully preserved for decades, and from the musicians who play and sing here you will never hear anything other than traditional French songs.

Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Montmartre Montmartre
View of Sacre Coeur and Montmartre Montmartre
The street of artists in Montmartre Montmartre

Reviews of Montmartre (2)

Estimate 10

Montmartre - the magic heart of Paris May 15, 2014

was here in May 2014
My friend and I finally spent the long-awaited May holidays in Paris, leaving a decent amount of money in this city, but happy and loving people arrived. This is a city that falls in love with itself forever ... Unfortunately, we had only 8 days, but in this short time we managed to get acquainted with almost all the main sights of the French capital. Especially I remember the walk on the famous Montmartre - this 130-meter high hill in the north of Paris, as well as the highest point of the city. On ... Read the whole review
Montmartre Montmartre Montmartre Montmartre
Estimate 8

Montmartre, Paris and the Cultural Center September 26 2013

was here in June 2012
The life and health of tourists can be threatened both by the raging wild nature, and undesirable social phenomena. Protests of the Arab population in the suburbs of Paris have reduced the influx of foreign tourists to this country for the Christmas holidays. However, in spite of everything, I ventured to go there.

On the spot it turned out that only we, the Russians, possess information about the disorders, and the aborigines themselves know almost nothing about them. They heard something from someone, but they did not understand what was being said. Excitement, ... Read the whole review

Montmartre Montmartre Montmartre Montmartre