Weekend in Paris with personal electronic guide Gpstourist
Weekend in Paris with personal electronic guide Gpstourist
This tower can not be confused with

Spanish semiannual multischengen was opened in the summer .Then he successfully flew to Barcelona to rest, and decided to spend the remaining days on shopping in Finland, because by coincidence, he flew for a couple of months to work in Peter .And from there every second, having a Schengen, goes for a weekend to zatarivatsya in the "Finnish" and stroll through the Imatra or Helsinki .In general, by the end of September I still had a few days of unused Schengen .Flipping through the news of airlines, I came across an excellent offer "Moscow-Paris-Moscow" for 10 000 rubles .Of course, this is not the minimum price in this direction, but also the service of Austrian air carriers at the level and time of departure and arrival is optimal for those wishing to spend a weekend in Europe .After spending 10 minutes on the on-line purchase of tickets, I rushed to collect a travel bag so that on Thursday night I take the train to the capital, and on Friday afternoon fly to France where I have never been ±​​$.For France, which has always been for me a country with a romantic halo, however, like most compatriots, I decided to make an exception and carefully plan a short visit .I wanted with maximum benefit to spend the weekend, visit the main sights of Paris .

Of course, the first thought was about an individual guide .This way of acquaintance with the city has fully justified itself in Poland, when the charming guide Marina took me through the evening Krakow and prompted the routes for a couple more days of my stay there .It cost me two years ago $ 50 in the equivalent of .Mindful of the good practice began to dig around the Internet on request "personal guide in Paris" .Hmm ... in a few minutes I realized that this service is not that expensive, but very expensive .At my request with the specified sights that I would like to visit, I was announced an amount exceeding the one that will go for the payment of a flight, transfer and hotel .No, thank you ...

Help to look further into the community of travelers, and came across a mention of the electronic guide Gpstourist .With gadgets, I have never had any problems, so I decided to learn more about this service .It turns out that this is a personal electronic guide, which, in addition to prepared excursions, contains in itself a detailed map of the city, attractions and other useful information on cities and countries of the world.."Well, it's necessary, to what the technology has reached," I thought and wrote down the coordinates of the nearest travel agency from Leningrad station in Moscow, which offered to take the ZHP-stockist for renting .

Directly from the train, I went to the agency, where I was given a personal guide for just over 100 rubles a day, explaining how to use and where to click. To use the device is elementary, so if successful "zapete" in Paris, I would offer to take it to travel to my parents: rent is very cheap, and the benefits were planned to be extracted from it abound.

So, after a few hours the plane landed in Orly, I passed customs control and got to the territory of France .The representative of the hotel was waiting for me in the meeting hall of those who arrived to take me to the hotel .It was about 5 pm, still light, so the road from Orly to Paris (14 kilometers) could easily be seen .Immediately in the car I turned on Gpstourist .After seconds 30 on the map, a green icon showing my location is shown .We drove and I began to watch what interesting places along the route will be offered by my electronic guide .At the entrance to the city the device announced that we drove literally in meters from Petit Leroy County Park, Montsouri Park, Bourdelle Museum House .Upon arrival at the hotel, I settled in a cozy single room, took a shower and went to the Eiffel Tower - the evening was just beginning, and friends were advised to visit the brainchild of an ingenious engineer in the dark of the day .

Friends were right .The people near the tower were few, and I did not have to stand in line for a ticket .I must say that the interior of the tower struck me much more than the appearance of .The combination of steel cables, partitions, ceilings, beams and other seemingly chaotic details in the night yellowish light looks amazingly .Entering the first floor, I turned on my personal guide and started listening to .It turned out that the perception of such an excursion is much higher than if you listen to the guide in the group, because you are distracted by "pofotkat" or just do not hear the words in the noise .Here, the story poured from the headphones and did not interfere with inspecting all the details about which the narrative was .Having taken off evening Paris from a bird's-eye view, went downstairs and decided to go to the hotel on foot along the road listening to a personal guide .Gpstourist told a lot of interesting things about streets, buildings and sights .The map of Paris was dotted with flags, approaching to which Gpstourist began his story .

The next morning I planned a visit to the Invalides and Army Museum .There I went immediately after breakfast .Walking through Paris (with Gpstourist, which constantly showed my location, it's impossible to get lost), I listened to the history of streets and houses and a story telling about the years of Napoleon I rule and the place of his burial .It is interesting that a gravestone weighing 35 tons was donated by the Russian emperor, who declared that there is always a piece of Bonaparte stone from Russia;) In the exposition of the Army Museum, located immediately, there are magnificent armor, uniform, tools from the Crusaders to World War II ±​​$ The .A tremendous sight!

Then, he walked along the Champs Elysees, looked in the gallery of Lafayette, visited the courtyard of the Louvre and decided to dine at the Chez Chartier, which takes visitors from the end of the century before last $ ±​​$.Traditional French cuisine - as always on top! Interior in the style of the station tavern recalls the description of roadside taverns from the "Three Musketeers", and you can pass the time waiting for the order for playing at Gpstourist .After satisfying the need for food, it is time to saturate the soul .The next point of my walk was Notre Dame de Paris .There I spent the rest of the day listening to the legends associated with this amazingly beautiful cathedral .

In the evening, flying to Russia, I finally decided to take on a personal tour guide Gpstourist and make him an indispensable assistant and planner of my travels. On the turn, Cuba! ;)

The material is posted on November 23, 2010.