How much is a student visa issued to Germany? Do you already cancel an existing Italian visa when issuing a German visa?

Responds company «Russian Express»
Unfortunately, there is no exact information on the terms of registration of the educational visa. But, in general, the term for issuing a German visa is up to 30 working days (in exceptional cases). Usually 10-11 working days. More precise information can be provided at the visa center or by telephone at the Consulate of Germany in Moscow - +7 (495) 933-43-11, 933-43-12.

The Germans will not cancel the Italian visa. There are two options:

  • will be asked to cancel the Italian visa
  • will put their visa as an extension of Italian, so that it begins its operation on the day after the expiration of the Italian visa.

Responds Anastasia Serebryakova, ClickVoyage company
It is better to clarify this situation in the German consulate. From practice, if you are doing a student visa (it is considered national), then a short-term multivisa should not be canceled.

July 7, 2014

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