Many are firmly convinced that foreign countries are expensive and far. But in fact, everything is not so. Average tour of Germany will cost you much cheaper than traveling in Russia. For example, a sightseeing tour to Germany at a 2 * hotel is cheaper than a two-day excursion around the Golden Ring.

If you closely follow flights to Germany, then you can get an air ticket to Berlin at a price of 4000 rubles. - the same amount costs a flight to St. Petersburg. Munich in high season starts at 9000 rubles, and Cologne and located a little farther than Saarbrücken - from 15 000 rub.

Excursion tours around the cities of Germany

The leaders in the field of sightseeing tours to Germany are undoubtedly Berlin . It is called "Athens on the Spree," this is the only city that can compete with Venice in terms of the number of bridges. You can see everything in Berlin: from the Currywurst Museum to the Berlin Cathedral and the Museum Island. You can walk to the ruins of the Berlin Wall, get a piece of it as a souvenir and even walk towards Treptow Park - there is a memorial in memory of World War II.

The second most popular city is Munich. It has a huge number of museums, and besides them - a wide variety of sausages. Munich is also the place where BMW is made, that's why it's time to visit this city and not to go to the museum of such cool cars - a real crime. And still need to allocate a minimum of three to four days to inspect the German Museum in Munich. It has a huge selection of exhibits, and under the ceiling you can find airships and planes.

Visit the German museum is also for the sake of Faraday's experiments. Here you can look at the real lightning under the roof of the hall - the experiment is run by the clock. After that, the room for a while settles the persistent smell of ozone.

Another city, which is definitely worth a visit, is Dresden. Here you can look at the works of Michelangelo, which are hung out in the famous Dresden Gallery, as well as try a roast suckling pig in a restaurant called Sophienkeller. From Dresden you will easily leave for neighboring Prague - you need only two hours to reach it.

 Brandenburg Gate in the spring, Berlin  Excursion tours to Germany
Brandenburg gate
 View of the Old town (Altstadt) of Munich  Excursion tours to Germany
Altstadt in Munich
 Types of spring Heidelberg  Excursion tours to Germany
Spring Heidelberg

Excursions to wineries and breweries of Germany

It is very difficult to come from Germany, without ever having tasted local beer. And there are a lot of varieties of this beer in the country: every city has its own favorite. For example, in Berlin Berliner Kindl is very much appreciated - this beer is sure to be served in a glass that is more like a beer, but the one that is usually brought for a martini, and you will be added syrup to it.

Munich - they are not used to sweetening beer with syrups and certainly will not agree to drink it in a martini glass. In Munich they like to drink only from liter Mass mugs, and to a foreigner who takes 0, 5 or 0, 33, will look with conviction in the eyes. Popular here are Spaten, Franziskaner and Paulaner.

Visit the brewery can be in Munich as well as in other regions. I want something stronger - it's worthwhile to keep a course on the monasteries, they usually hold tasting schnapps. And buy in the store for about 20 EUR you can snaps of any kind - from black currant to apricot.

Christmas market in Leipzig Excursion tours to Germany
Market in Leipzig
Christmas in Gros-Umstadt, Hesse, Germany Excursion tours to Germany
Christmas in Gros-Umstadt
Shop with Christmas decorations on the market square of Nuremberg Excursion tours to Germany
Shop in the market of Nuremberg

Christmas time in Germany is

Another popular direction of sightseeing tours to Germany is Advent, or the time of Christmas expectation is .Then in Germany, a real holiday is .The streets are transformed, mulled wine is cooked everywhere, and New Year's souvenirs are offered to all comers .Buy them without much difficulty, you can almost at every corner, because Christmas markets open almost every square of the city .The names of the fairs are different, but the range is more or less similar .We offer carved wooden toys, gingerbreads with the inscription Ich liebe dich - "I love you", chocolate "snow balls", a wide variety of candles, sausages .Any Christmas fair brightly brightens and is decorated with a large number of felled trees, mistletoe branches, which can also be bought here, soaked in the smell of mulled wine .

Glintwein from the Christmas markets in Germany - this is undoubtedly a separate topic. What is not there: there is a plum, elder, apple, white, red wine - and this is not the limit. Each fair, of course, has its own special circle.
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Excursion tours to Germany