Going to rest in Greece, get ready for strong impressions. This country is able to make you fall in love with her at first sight and carry this love through life. Picturesque ancient architectural monuments, magnificent palaces, snow-white columns will allow you to feel connected with the history, and modern hotels, noisy discos and luxury restaurants will return you today.

 Ancient and young Greece
 Ancient and young Greece
Holidays in Greece

Greeks are very good to tourists from Russia: after all, we have always been allies and co-religionists with them. However, to observe some unspoken rules during your stay in Greece will not hurt.

When choosing a suitable hotel, pay attention to small hotels, the number of rooms in which does not exceed 15-20: they are cheaper, and a cozy atmosphere will make you feel at home . At the same time, the level of comfort of such mini-hotels is often not inferior to large hotels . In recent years, such miniature private hotels all over the world are gaining popularity, including in our country: for example, small Hotels in St. Petersburg or Moscow annually take, perhaps, not less guests than the large hotels known .

Why do visitors choose mini-hotels in St. Petersburg, Athens and other cities? The matter is that such compact hotels often represent original clubs on interests: in one businessmen gather, arrived on business negotiations; in others - students; in the third - parents with small children ...

When planning a trip to Greece, do not forget to arrange medical insurance, because medical care in this country is paid. In some hotels, there are medical stations, and in others, if you need help, you should contact the reception desk - you will be called by a doctor. Naturally, for a fee.

While searching for a house at some address, keep in mind that in Greece there are many streets with the same name. Sometimes even taxi drivers can hardly understand where exactly the house you are looking for is located. Therefore, in advance, specify the area and at least some guidelines.

Service staff in Greece usually expects a tip that is 10-15 percent of the bill in the restaurant or 1-2 dollars to a taxi driver or maid.

If, when visiting historical places, you want to capture them - find out if you can take photos and filming here. Most often you will be given such permission - for an additional fee.

Using taxi drivers, it is better to stipulate the fee in advance - some drivers prefer to take passengers on the longest route, not including the counter.

If you are benevolent and attentive , the attitude of local people will please you, and you will want to return to this hospitable country again.