The validity of the TVoA visa expires on February 25, 2015, and the ticket for the plane on March 30. What do I need to do to get a visa?

Responds Maria Dashkevich, India-Tour company

Extension of tourist visa in India is impossible, especially e-mail. Violation of the visa regime even for a couple of days entails serious consequences. Options for an exit from the situation: change the ticket with an extreme date of departure on February 25 and return; February 25, go to Nepal and Sri Lanka, make a new visa there, go back to India and stay until March 30 (in this case it is better to open a standard visa).
Answer Margarita Harutyunyan, company "World of Intercourse"
With your question of extending your visa to India you need to apply to the migration service.

February 9, 2015

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