The cost of surfing lessons in Bali?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Bali is considered one of the best places for surfers. So there is nothing surprising in that even those who were not interested in it earlier, resting on the island, wanted to try their hand at this sport. The board can be rented on the beach, for $ 3-8 per hour, depending on the type of board and owner's appetites.

But if you first need to learn how to use this inventory, then welcome to one of the many surfing schools. One day of training in it will cost (on the average on the island) 35-45 $, if you order 2 or more days, a discount of 10 $ is given. Typically, this cost includes 2.5-4 hours of lessons on the board for a group of 4 people. Individual classes for the same price last less.

In such schools, even children are accepted, in some from 4 years, but in most cases from 10. Lessons for children are not much, but cheaper, about $ 30-35 per class. Also, schools organize surf trips by boat to the open sea. Such surfing (only with instructors!) Costs from $ 60 for departure.

October 25, 2011

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