Dublin Castle
Dublin, Jamestown, St. Petersburg Castle, 16 Dublin Castle is the main government building. It was built on the orders of King John the Landless after the assault of the Normans. Today, Dublin Castle hosts conferences and meetings of important persons. When there are no governmental meetings in the castle, it is open to tourists.
Castle of Cair
Tipperary, Cahir, St. Castle Castle Cair is located on an island in the middle of the Shur River in the county of Trippeari. Thanks to the wise policy of their owners - "always give up without a fight" - it's built in the 12th century. the castle is perfectly preserved. In the castle museum, you can see the miniature "Capture the Castle" consisting of 1,000 soldier figures.
Saint Patrick's Cathedral
Saint Patrick's Close, Dublin 8 St. Patrick's Cathedral - the largest cathedral not only in Dublin, but throughout Ireland. His famous rector was writer Jonathan Swift, famous throughout the world for his work "Gulliver's Travels."
Abbey Cong
Cong Cong Abbey (Cong, the Irish Conga, "the gorge of St. Thekina"), located in the homonymous village in Ireland, can boast of just two venerable sights. The first is for fans of the whole knightly and romantic.
Burren National Park Burren is a National Park and the Plateau of the same name in Ireland, in its western part. The nearest major settlements are Galway about 60 kilometers to the north and Limerick to the same distance to the south.
Dublin Needle
Dublin, O'Connell street Architectural dominant of Dublin, the "Dublin Needle" monument can be seen from anywhere in the city. The design is exceptionally simple - a steel spire rising to a height of 121 meters, gradually tapering.
Dublin Botanical Garden
Dublin, Glasnevin, Botanic Gardens The magnificent Dublin Botanical Garden occupies an impressive territory of 25 hectares in the very center the Irish capital. "The green heart of Dublin," as the locals affectionately call it, boasts twenty thousand different plants from all over the world.
Bunratty Castle
Bunratty, Co. Clare, Bansha, N68 Rd Bunratty Castle is an amazing treasure of Ireland, envied by the whole world. Noteworthy are not even perfectly preserved walls of the medieval citadel, but first of all the situation of 15-16 centuries - a rarity in our times is immense.
Clononi Castle
Offaly, Shannon Harbor, Clonony Castle Castle of Clononi - the residence of the Tudors and the place of repose of the regal sisters Boleyn. The architectural dominant of the castle is a 15-meter tower, on the territory there are picturesque gardens surrounded by a moat. In Clononi there are all the basic elements of fortification: machiculi, killer holes, spiral staircase and courtyard.
Castle-rock Cashel
Tipperary, Ln. Rock, CashelThe Kashel Rock is a castle that served as the residence of the kings of Munster. It was erected in the 4th century, and a century later Saint Patrick lived and preached here. After the invasion of Cromwell, Cashel became a symbol of the staunchness of the Irish people. Today you can see numerous residential and household buildings.
Book of Kells
Dublin, Trinity College Library Book of Kells - a collection of puzzles , reached us through a thousand years. Until now no one can understand what colors the monks used, because they did not fade and remained bright until our days. Also it is unclear how to create such elegant miniatures without using a magnifying glass.
Kells Abbey
Kells, County Meath Famous Kells The abbey, located an hour's drive from Dublin, is familiar to the whole world at once for two things. First, it was here that most of the legendary Book of Kells was created, this masterpiece of religious art, now stored in Dublin's Trinity College.
Tullyallen, Drogheda, Co. Louth Green Island Ireland, which in the distant 5 century was converted to Christianity by St. Patrick, literally filled with ancient abbeys. One of these places is the Millefont Abbey, which is located near the Matteok River, near the town of Droed.
Newgrange, Co. MeathNewgrange is one of the oldest religious buildings on the planet, built 3000 years BC. e. from the earth, clay, stone and wood. Its destination is still a mystery - either the tomb, or the ancient observatory, or the place of departure of the unknown cult.
Lake Loch Corrib
Ireland, Lough Corrib Loch Corrib is the second largest lake in Ireland and one of the many peat lakes in the sparsely populated Connemara region. From time immemorial, the basis of the livelihoods of the local population was fishing.
Guinness Brewery
St. James's Gate Brewery, Dublin 8 Today everyone who finds themselves in Dublin is simply obliged to visit the Guinness Museum-Brewery. Legendary beer begins its history in the distant 1752 year. Then unknown Arthur Guinness inherited 200 pounds. On the joy of this money, he, of course, spent on booze. But he did it as sensibly as possible - rented a brewery.
Memorial Garden
Dublin, Garden of Remembrance Favorite place for walking in Dublin , the magnificent Garden of Memories owes its name to the memorial set here in memory of those who gave their lives for the freedom of the Irish people. Despite the unhappy cause of the occurrence, the garden is filled with life-affirming magnificence of nature.
Moher Rocks
One of the main natural attractions of Ireland is the two-hundred-meter cliffs of Moher , stretching for 8 kilometers. These magnificent rock formations steeply descend to the Atlantic Ocean, creating a visual sensation of the sheer wall.
Temple Bar
Temple Bar, Dublin Temple Bar - the most "nocturnal" district of Dublin. There is always a small, but moderately dense crowd moving along the streets. And all because this place is chosen by local youth for the presence of pubs, bars, pubs, restaurants and nightclubs. Not surprisingly, tourists can not bypass the Temple Bar either!
Phoenix Park in Dublin
Dublin, Phoenix park The legacy of medieval Dublin, founded in the 17th century Phoenix Park - two pleasures in one. Here you can walk along well-groomed paths or go to get acquainted with fauna from all over the world to Dublin Zoo, which is located here.
The capital of Ireland, Dublin is one of the oldest European capitals. The date of its foundation is the IX century; The streets of the city are full of architectural landmarks, the most outstanding of which is St. Patrick's Cathedral in the center. And the valley of the River Liffey and Dublin Bay make the city also surprisingly picturesque.
Almost every county in Ireland has preserved ancient castles: Bellley, Ballintobir, Bunratty, Donsoghlai, Kloghane, Kalduill, Carrakefirgus, Monie, King John's locks in Limerick and Loute, and many others, no less remarkable. Today many of them are converted into first-class hotels. Even more ancient landmarks of Ireland are the parking lots and castles of the Vikings. For example, the city of Waterford, the oldest in Ireland, located in the south-eastern part of the country, was founded by Vikings in 914.
No less attractive are the architectural masterpieces of the cathedrals and monasteries of Ireland: the Cong Abbey, the Leyssedell Mansion, the Dublin Cathedral of St. Kenaike, the Abbey of Mylleifont, the Abbey of Kells and others. Among the mysterious sights of Ireland stands out the burial mound of Newgrange, whose age is more than that of the pyramids of Egypt. The mound is surrounded by stone blocks: only a few days a year the sun's rays penetrate inside the tomb, illuminating the inner tunnel, which makes it something similar to the famous Stonehead. Nearby are two more burial mounds - Naut and Daut, with almost a five-thousand-year history.
The west coast of Ireland - a lot of beautiful bays, bays, islands and beaches. In the Barren area of Clare County, you will find many underground caves, cracks in polished limestone massifs, springs and karst precipices - the main attractions of this region of Ireland. About the ancient evidence of about seven dozen megalithic graves, the ruins of ancient castles and stone forts of the Iron Age, known as "ring forts." Here is also the popular Irish music center Doolin.
At the entrance to the Galway Bay are three islands - Inishmore, Inishman and Inishir, the famous Aran Islands. Long stripes of the "lunar landscape" since ancient times have received travelers from all over the world: ancient tribes inhabited by historians still unknown to historians settled here, the first Christians of Ireland also landed here. The earliest monastic settlements here were founded at the end of the 4th century. Isolation of islands allowed to preserve the ancient traditions and even almost disappeared language of the Gaelic.
Among the natural wonders of Ireland, cliffs occupy a special place: two hundred-meter high cliffs on the Atlantic coast of the country. And the famous Bridge Giants, whose basaltic formations of the correct hexagonal form do not leave a feeling of man-madeness even in spite of their impressive dimensions, make one think that here indeed the giant masters were once living.
Perhaps the most famous natural landmarks of Ireland are charming, though rather dull moors and hills, among which as if local legends and legends come to life .And the most Irish of all the sights is Connemara in the north-west: there is really nothing but countless bogs, bare valleys, mountains and lakes, grass and an incredible amount of stones .This is the typical Irish landscapes, and it is here that the old traditions of local residents are best preserved .So far, stone fences have been built all over the coast, Connemara's visit card: clearing the land for crops from stones, the Irishmen piled many kilometers of fences that protected the landing from the winds .
A lot of tourists in addition to attractions in Ireland attracts the uniqueness of local traditions, as well as famous pubs and bars - the main meeting place and communication of Irish people.