Ring of Kerry
Cliffs of Moher

Alphabetically By regions
  • Aran Islands
  • Galway
  • Dublin
  • Kerry
  • Kilkenny
  • Killarney
  • Clifden
  • Connemara
  • Cork
  • Letterkenny
  • Limerick
  • Newgrange
  • Cliffs of Moher
  • Sligo
  • Waterford
  • Westport
  • Shannon
  • Aran Islands
  • Dublin
  • Kerry
    • Killarney
  • Kilkenny
  • Connemara
    • Galway
    • Clifden
  • Cork
  • Letterkenny
  • Limerick
  • Newgrange
  • Cliffs of Moher
  • Sligo
  • Waterford
  • Westport
  • Shannon

The capital of Ireland is

Dublin - the ancient capital of Ireland and the largest city in the country, grew up on the site of the ancient settlement of the Vikings more than 1000 years ago. Today it is an actively developing modern city, in which more than 1 million people live. Dublin is famous for its hospitality and has even been recognized as one of the most cosmopolitan capitals of the world. Also he ranks 26th in the list of cities with the highest standard of living.

It is here that the largest museums and theaters, historical and architectural monuments, as well as offices of world IT corporations are concentrated, for what Dublin is often called the "Silicon Valley of Europe". One of the traditional industries, like a thousand years ago, remains brewing, in the heart of Ireland is the plant of the world famous Guinness brand.

Lovers of antiquity will be interested to visit the ancient Dublin Castle and St. Patrick's Cathedral. Travelers who prefer thrills should take a ride on the Bus of Ghosts and look into the Bram Stoker Museum. Everyone who finds themselves in Dublin will find something to their liking.

Cities in Ireland

On the territory of Ireland, there are four largest cities, not counting Dublin. Each of them has its own unique history, unique path, vivid traditions and interesting sights, which are worth to be met.


Cork - the second largest city in Ireland, founded by St. Finbarr in the VI century. Today Cork is a modern developing city with a population of more than 120 thousand inhabitants.

On the territory of the city there are many ancient castles, especially the famous Desmond Castle and the castle of Blackrock, which was built at the request of city residents in order to scare off pirates and robbers. For more than half a century, an annual international film festival has been held in Cork.

Another notable feature: Cork - the first city in the world, the territory of which is covered by wireless Internet Wi-Fi.


Waterford - one of the oldest cities in Ireland, formed in 914 by ancient Vikings. The population of the city today is more than 48 thousand people.

Plunge into the atmosphere of antiquity, you can go to the tower of Reginalds - the oldest urban structure in the country. Today, within its walls is the museum of the history of Waterford. Also in the city is the famous Treasure Museum. Every year, Waterford hosts the Spraoi Festival of Street Art, which collects artists from various genres and viewers from around the world.

Welcome to Ireland.


Fort Galway was founded by the King of Connaught in 1124. Today, Galway is a modern developing city with a population of more than 72,000 residents.

One of the most striking attractions are the ancient cathedrals and churches. Church of St. Nicholas was built in the 14th century, and it is also known for certain that in 1477 Christopher Columbus himself visited it. The Galway Cathedral houses one of the largest organs in Ireland.

It is in Galway that the most famous music festival in the country is held. Especially popular among tourists and locals is the Oyster Festival.


From 812 on the territory of the modern settlement there was a Viking colony. Today === - one of the largest cities in Ireland, with a population of more than 90 thousand residents.

Limerick is famous for the Hunt Museum, representing the richest collection of antique antiques and objects of art from the sculpture of the horse da Vinci to the sketch of Picasso's painting.

In honor of the city were named famous comic poems from five lines, and all thanks to an old song, the chorus in which was the line "Are you coming to Limerick? ยป.

Islands of Ireland

Not everyone likes to rest on the warm coast. The islands of Ireland - one of the most suitable places for lovers of northern latitudes. Rocky bays and boundless plains, green meadows and high snowy mountains - that's what the traveler expects here.

On the island of Clare, you can see the towering castle Granual, which was once the refuge of a band of robbers. The deserted island Beginish attracts naturalists, because it is here that you can admire the colony of polar terns and long-dead seals.

Schellig-Michael is a place where lovers of antiquities can come. The monastery of the 6th century survived not only a millennium and a half, but even barbarian raids. The best place to lose the sense of time. The islands of Aran will be met by all forts of the Iron and Bronze Ages. Unique ancient structures make you feel the spirit of long ago times.