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Expert reviews for the hotels of Ireland

 Ireland hotels
Editions of Subtletties

In Ireland, for the classification of hotels, the international rating system for hotel services is adopted, according to which all hotels of the country are annually inspected by the Federation of Hotels of Ireland. And the "star" classification has not only classic hotels, but also guest houses, whose rating varies from 1 * to 4 *.

Irish season visiting season is

The most popular time for visiting Ireland is summer, and also the period of Christmas and New Year's holidays. When planning a trip to Ireland at this time, book hotels in advance. In addition, the preliminary reservation of rooms and the possible increase in prices for stays should be remembered when traveling to Ireland during the celebration of St. Patrick's Day (March 17), Beltane (May 1) and Samain (November 1).

Types of Hotels in Ireland

Perhaps the most common accommodation option for travelers in Ireland is the family hotels of the Bed & Breakfast format . Small private boarding houses of this type are scattered throughout Ireland and meet even in small towns of the country . Here the guests are offered a homely feel and at home you often offer not a scanty "British" set - muesli, coffee or tea and a biscuit with jam, and the so-called "continental" option, including fried eggs, sausages, salads and sweets . Sometimes in such establishments you can to meet a buffet of . At the same time the Bed & Breakfast guest houses are one of the most affordable options for staying .

Perhaps the most common accommodation option for travelers in Ireland is family hotels in the Bed & Breakfast format.
In Ireland, there are Bed & Breakfast guesthouses officially approved by Ireland's Tourism Quality Services and marked with a trefoil sign, and also without a similar mark of distinction. In fact, they differ little in terms of the service provided. At the same time, certified options in excess of the increased tax are more often faced with different kinds of restrictions - therefore, the trefoil is not regarded as a sign of quality per se.

For romantics and lovers of all the unusual, you can spend the night in medieval castles, estates with authentic interiors and old Irish atmosphere, as well as in the famous lighthouses .As a rule, this option is not cheap, but at the disposal of guests, in addition to the spirit of antiquity, there are quite modern services: swimming pools, SPA-centers and golf courses .Most of the proposed options are located in rural areas, but this is not so much an inconvenience as their real advantage is .The offer is in demand, so it is more realistic to be placed in such a place in the off-season, or to book the offer in advance .

Hostels and youth hotels, in spite of the name, invite guests of all ages. Some of them are equipped in such a way that they are able to accept whole families - the guests are offered separate rooms equipped so reasonably that this option is valued not only for its cheapness, but also for this cosiness.

The price of accommodation in hotels in Ireland is

The average cost of a hotel room in Ireland is about € 85. There are both much more expensive options, and quite budgetary ones - for example, Bed & Breakfast hostels for € 35-50 for a double room with breakfast. At the height of the season, the cost of accommodation can rise to € 45 per person per night.

In Dublin, the capital of Ireland, the average budget cost of accommodation is € 80 EUR. At the same time, the hotel 2 * offers accommodation for € 60, 3 * - from € 65 to € 100, 4 * - from € 100 and up to € 175, and a five-star accommodation - over € 200.

Features of accommodation in hotels in Ireland - $

Even the most budgetary offers in Ireland mean having hot water and a separate bathroom in the room. At the same time be prepared that here, as well as in a number of British hotels, a mixer for hot and cold water may not be available. Water flows through two different cranes, so using a washstand requires some skill.

Located in the suburbs and countryside, Irish hotels are always surrounded by gardens. Their distinctive feature is the opportunity to personally engage in gardening under the supervision of experienced gardeners: garden courses are traditionally included in the cost of living. Also, there are small golf courses and croquet.

For romantics and fans of all the unusual, you can spend the night in medieval castles, estates with authentic interiors and old Irish atmosphere, as well as in famous lighthouses.

All local hotels include breakfast. Unless otherwise stated, this is a classic British breakfast buffet: puddings, a huge selection of muesli, scrambled eggs and fried sausages.

Moreover, guests in rural hotels are fed organic products directly from the beds - and are deservedly proud of their high quality.

Almost all hotels in Ireland have their own pubs. As a rule, they open at noon and offer guests a rich selection of traditional drinks and snacks.

Most of the hotel offers in the country have well-equipped playgrounds and playrooms.

Despite the prevalence of car rental services, hotels in Ireland need to specify the availability of free parking. So hotels located in the center of Dublin, such services do not provide.