Is it convenient to travel around Italy by train?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Trains here are very convenient for passengers, their several types, international and regional .Tickets for them can be bought at the ticket office, in vending machines at stations or ordered online at the rate of .This will help the site of Italian Railways .Pay for a trip on fast trains will not be too cheap, prices can be comparable to the price of planes .But the journey by regional trains will pleasantly surprise the cost of tickets .True, they go slowly, stop quite often, and in the second class tickets are sold without specifying the place: who managed, he and villages .If you want comfort, then you need to choose high-speed trains (EuroStar, InterCity), where one or two passengers can easily book at least all the coupe .

And one more thing that often causes travelers to prefer a train to an airplane: on a railway the schedule is not observed perfectly. The time of departure indicated on the site may differ from that indicated on the ticket machine. Trains are sometimes late, departure routes can vary 5 minutes before it, but this is reported additionally (though, as a rule, in Italian). So it is worthwhile to follow in which direction all the co-travelers who suddenly awaited with you the train on the platform unexpectedly broke down.

August 9, 2011

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