More and more couples nowadays choose to combine the wedding ceremony and the honeymoon - for reasons of economy (alas, more time than money - wedding tours are usually expensive), and wanting to break away from boring everyday life and not celebrate another, similar to thousands of other "standard" wedding, and to make the beginning of family life really unforgettable .One of the most popular destinations for wedding tourism today is Italy - in the first place, it is, of course, Venice and Verona, but also Rome, Sicily and numerous Italian resorts on the shores of the lakes .

Italy as a place of marriage is often chosen because of not only the stunning atmosphere of the eternal holiday, but also the facilitated registration of marriages. You do not need to live in Italy to conclude an alliance that will be recognized internationally as valid, it is enough just to receive the Nulla Costa document at the nearest Russian consulate, and the presence of the newlyweds is not required.

However, here there is one subtlety: first, to obtain Nulla Costa you need to collect the necessary package of documents, which includes not only foreign and internal passports, but also birth certificates, dissolution of previous marriages, certificates of change of names and surnames. ±​​$ br >

It is worth remembering that under Italian law, a woman has the right to marry again only 300 days after the termination of the previous.
Venetian gondolier Wedding in Italy
Romantic Venice
The bay, located between Vellasimius and Costa Rei, Sardinia Wedding in Italy
Colorful landscapes for an unforgettable wedding.
Evening view of the port in San Remo.jpeg Wedding in Italy
Holiday San Remo

Nuances and subtleties

All documents for successful registration and legalization must be submitted to the agency that organizes the ceremony, no later than 1, 5 months before the wedding, and the marriage certificate will also be sent by mail not earlier than in two weeks..And, if you look at the price lists of wedding agencies, it becomes clear: the lion's share of the cost of the wedding tour (and it's from 2, 5 to 6 thousand EUR for popular destinations like Venice) goes exactly to translation, registration and legalization of documents .At the same time flights, transfers, accommodation, photographer's services and wedding dinner will have to be paid separately, which translates into a round sum of .

Therefore, many in place of the official ceremony in Italy prefer to pass a modest house registration, and a honeymoon start with a symbolic ceremony .The symbolic ceremony, first, gives more room for maneuver, because you do not need to go to the municipality (the ceremony can be held in the palace, on the seashore or in the lake, in a Venetian gondola, in a medieval castle), or spend time and money on legalizing documents at the consulate .Then a modest ceremony on the shore of a lake or in some castle will cost you 2 thousand EUR (excluding music, photography and dinner) .A popular destination like Verona with the same set will cost you from 3 thousand EUR .A symbolic ceremony in a castle 15 km from Rome, together with a trip to Rome for 4 hours with a retro car and a banquet for 6 people (newlyweds + 4 guests) will pour out 5, 5 thousand EUR .

Italian wedding tours, unlike weddings in exotic countries, are rarely tied to a particular hotel, so the cost of the tour almost never includes accommodation (sometimes includes the first wedding night).
Wedding in Italy

Do not forget about ...

Studying and comparing the price lists of different ceremonies, pay attention to what is included in the tour price, and what is paid separately .First, the price quite often depends on this - an attractive price tour may not be really profitable, but "empty" .Secondly, it should immediately identify the imposition of services and hidden payments .When photography, flowers, make-up for the bride or musical accompaniment are offered as an additional service, it is quite understandable, since without each of these components you can theoretically manage .But when in the form of an additional service includes renting a room where the ceremony will take place, then it is without a doubt that it raises the price for 1-2 thousand EUR .

Additional expenses

Planning a wedding in Italy, prepare for additional spending .Firstly, it is spending on living, moving and eating, which, as mentioned earlier, almost never go into the tour package .Secondly, these are additional services, in the form of small things like transfer to the place of the ceremony, the bouquet of the bride and champagne (the probability of getting a bottle of champagne for the ceremony in the compulsory package of the tour is 50/50), and in the form of quite large expenses .The most costly articles are coordinator's services (from 500 EUR, sometimes included in the main package), photographer and operator services (from 900 EUR for 2 hours each) and music accompaniment (from 500 euros) .

Nevertheless, weddings in Italy always take place in such an amazing and memorable atmosphere that the costs pay off with interest.

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Wedding in Italy