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Book hotel in Kazakhstan at the best price

  • Aktau hotels
  • Hotels in Alma-Ata
  • Astana hotels - $
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  • Balkhash hotels

The hotel sector of Kazakhstan in many respects is similar to the Russian one. In large cities, you can choose between large hotel complexes level 2-3 * buildings of the middle of the last century (most often standing without repairs from Soviet times), and modern hotels of good standard, but with fairly high prices. In small towns, as a rule, there are almost no new hotels.

Expert Reviews on Kazakhstan Hotels - $

Hotels of Kazakhstan
Editors of Subtleties

There are no hostels in Kazakhstan, as well as specially organized camping sites, except for one: Burabay (Borovoye) .However, wishing to break camp and rest "savages" here are unlikely to repair obstacles: in the Kazakh steppes to this day, a lot of unoccupied places .Having broken up the camp here, be prepared to stock up on everything you need, especially water: in summer it's dry and hot, and you can spend a few days without meeting anyone in the steppe with an equal $ ±.When planning to camp near a nomadic tribe - formally ask for permission: as a rule, local people are not denied .

The cost of accommodation in hotels of Kazakhstan is

In Astana and Alma-Ata, the average cost of a hotel room is $ 70-80 per day. In smaller cities (Shymkent, Petropavlovsk, Karaganda) - from $ 30 to $ 50.

A few years ago in Kazakhstan there were special discounts for tourists from the CIS, but today most of the hotels have moved into private hands, and prices have become uniform for all (and thus for Russians they have grown at least 2-3 times). However, the rise in prices has not yet affected the equipment of hotels and the level of service.

There are also very cheap offers - from $ 10-15, but the level of service in them can be extremely low.

In cheap provincial hotels in Kazakhstan, rooms may lack hot water.