"Country of elephants under the banner of Kilimanjaro," Amboseli National Park covers an area of ​​400 square meters .km .The most notable local inhabitants are, of course, elephants, but apart from them the expanses of the park are very densely populated by zebras and antelopes, large cats, hyenas and many small mammals..Pleasant bonus - on the reserve are allowed walking tours accompanied by a guide: you can literally walk in the footsteps of animals .Due to the dry climate, the abundance of fauna is compensated somewhat more ascetically than in other parks, the local landscape is .

In Amboseli, possible significant temperature changes during the day: about + 40 ° C in the daytime and + 5 ° C at night - be sure to store warm clothes.

How to get

The nearest city is Namanga, on the border of Kenya and Tanzania. From Nairobi to Namanga, you can take a bus or "matata", and from there you can reach the reserve by taxi or shuttle. Directly on the territory of Amboseli there is a landing strip for light aircraft (charter or private "jets").

Search airfares to Nairobi (nearest bus station to Amboseli)

Types Amboseli

Campings and lodges

There are plenty of options: "folk" campsites, safari-lodges of different levels, tent "five-stars" with richly furnished rooms and all amenities, as well as private "luxury camps."

Ol Tukai Lodge is considered one of the best in Africa hotels for watching elephants "from the bed" because of a nearby watering hole.

Visiting rules

The permission to enter Amboseli costs 40 USD. Unlike other national parks in Amboseli it is not forbidden to move on their own two: of course, in strictly designated places. At the same time, it is necessary to inform the group leader (or the lodge staff) about the route and duration of the trip.

Amboseli National Park, Kenya Amboseli
The insolent bird, Kenya Amboseli
A caring family in Amboseli park, Kenya.Amboseli
Giraffes in Amboseli Park, Kenya Amboseli
And I go all such impregnable ....., Kenya Amboseli
3 brothers, Kenya Amboseli
Family of elephants in Amboseli Park, Kenya Amboseli
Amboseli Park at sunset, Kenya Amboseli
Dangerous games, Kenya Amboseli