Perhaps the main advantage of diving in Kenya is the opportunity to combine diving with a magnificent ground safari, deep-sea fishing and luxurious beach rest. It is best to dive in the period from January to March, when the underwater visibility exceeds 20 meters. Guban Napoleon, giant moray eels, sea turtles, groupers, dolphins, white sharks and a great variety of colorful tropical fish swim here in huge numbers for the joy of divers.

Diving in Kenya is not as developed as, for example, in Egypt, but this does not mean that it is worse. There are a lot of worthy sites off the coast of the country. And one of the local "chips" - seasonal migrations of whales from South Africa, floating almost at the edge of the outer reefs.

Very popular places in the vicinity of Mombasa, especially the Watamu Marine Park .Coral reefs here are located near the coast and get to them quite easily .The main dive sites are the Muren reef, where the depth of the dive reaches 30 m, the Canyon with coral arches and walls that descend to a depth of 30 m, the Drumers reef (suitable for beginners as well), and the sinking 20-meter Meada vessel .It lies at a depth of 14 meters, and you can dive to it only during the tide .Watamu also interested in dark underwater caves of the Vuma and Turtle Reef, where you can see the rare green sea turtles .From June to September whales migrating from South Africa float off the Watamu coasts .

Diving in Kenya is

Malindi's strip of coral reefs runs along the entire coast. The variety of tropical fish, seabirds and plants and the neighboring marine reserve of Watamu made this place one of the cult places for sea fishing, divers and surfers.

South of Mombasa is the Mpunguti Marine Park, where one of the largest stingrays is found on the entire coast of East Africa. Not far from Bamburi beach at a depth of 35 m is the sunken cargo ship "Denmark". The upper part of the ship to a depth of 15 m is a great place for beginners, and the lower part of the vessel will be very interesting for professionals of scuba diving.

Within the resort of Shimoni in the south of the coast there are several marine parks where you can swim with dolphins. Also near to Shimoni is the island of Vasini with the popular New York dive reef.

Another interesting place for diving is the marine environment of the town of Lamu. Along the coast there is a unique beauty of the coral reef - the habitat of many tropical fish, sea urchins and other inhabitants of the underwater world.

Starfish, Kenya Diving in Kenya is
Kenyan Starfish
Residents of Kenyan water reservoirs Diving in Kenya is
Residents of Kenyan water reservoirs
The coast of Kenya is Diving in Kenya is
The coast of Kenya is
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Diving in Kenya is