Should I go to Kenya in May? What is the season of long rains?

Responds Vyacheslav Oreshkov
My opinion, it's always worth riding! We were in Kenya in May, there was no rain in the parks, but it was wet. In Mombasa, it rained for two days, I personally did not interfere with swimming.

The season of long rains in Kenya from March to June, but now the weather is changing, so you can not predict exactly. Although, it is worth noting that this year is very rainy in Africa.

Answer Valeriy Mazlumyanov
"The season of long rains" is the time from April to May when the rains in Kenya can last more than one hour a day (in October-November here comes the "short rainy season" - they go for 20-30 minutes) . During this period, the prices for trips reach their minimum, because it is believed that the rains cause tourists inconvenience . However, all this is not absolute, and many fans of safari on the contrary travel to Kenya in the spring, as they lose no more risk by hours per day, and even then not everyone, but they save a pretty decent amount on living . Plus, in these months some animals have a breeding season, and the likelihood of seeing the same lions increases .

As for the rest on the ocean, then the rainy season practically does not reflect it - in Mombasa it's always good, and you can swim there year-round.

March 21, 2011

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