The largest and oldest of the national parks of Kenya, Tsavo occupies an area of ​​more than 20 thousand square meters. km. Territorially, these are two reserves, the Eastern Tsavo and the Western Tsavo, separated by the Nairobi-Mombasa highway. The park is inhabited by elephants, lions and other large cats, buffalo, antelope canna and impala, kudu, hippos and rhinoceroses, as well as many species of birds. The abundance of underground sources supports the green vegetation all year round.

Tsavo is visited by a smaller number of tourists, so the animals here are more wild.

How to get

As a rule, tourists visit Tsavo as part of an organized excursion. Traveling independently is most convenient to get there on a rented car. Another option is to arrive in the nearest town of Voya (by bus or "matata"), from where you can reach Tsavo by "shuttle" or taxi.

Search flights to Nairobi (nearest TSavo airport)

Campings and lodges Tsavo

Among the budget options are democratic camping sites in Komboyo or Chiulu. With all the amenities you can find in the Ngulia Safari Camp and Ndololo Camp, and the fans can definitely enjoy the Voi Safari Lodge with its own pool and panoramic views of the watering hole and the animals that come to it.

Located near the coast of Eastern Tsavo often included in combined tours of "beach + safari."
Amazing Tsavo

Photo Tsavo (13)