Being the southernmost of the three Baltic countries, the former republics of the Soviet Union, Lithuania has traditionally been an attractive holiday destination. The most colorful epithets and flattering reviews are awarded to this small country by travelers who visited it. Oddly enough, all these reviews and epithets fully correspond to reality.

Beach vacation

Sea holidays in Lithuania usually associated with Klaipeda, Palanga and Neringa . These cities and numerous villages in their environs attract tourists with a clean, though cool, sea, picturesque landscapes, traditionally tasty farm products, pronounced local coloring . Wide sandy beaches of the region with a developed infrastructure, the opportunity to make long walks in the neighborhood, sea excursions - There is everything for a full sea holiday, and traditionally low prices make this holiday not short-term .

The combination of democratic local prices with the natural features of the region has led to the organization on the coast of numerous children's health camps, except for wellness, also developing programs for teens.
Gorgeous Lithuania

Sightseeing tours

For any tourist who has come to Lithuania, it will be interesting to see such cities as Vilnius and Kaunas. Unlike neighboring countries, Lithuania is rich in baroque architecture, and its capital Vilnius is unique and full of historical sights. Vilnius is also proud of its university, which was founded in 1579 and is now not only a major scientific and educational center, but also one of the city's main attractions. - $

Price of issue

In Lithuania, guests with different incomes will be welcome: there are numerous modest hostels, the price of accommodation in which is not burdensome for a purse, and elegant five-star hotels, designed by the most eminent architects and designers of the country..Traditionally high level of service and hospitality of staff is guaranteed in all hotels .Numerous restaurants and cafes offer you to get acquainted with traditional Lithuanian cuisine, not only very tasty, but also inventive: a borscht prepared from kefir and marinated beet can make an indelible impression on a tourist who has an interest in gastronomy .Very interesting is Lithuanian bread, especially its dark varieties: it retains its qualities for an incredibly long time .

National Park in Lithuania - $ Rest in Lithuania - $
Nature of Lithuania is
Baltic Sea. Juodkrante. Curonian Spit Rest in Lithuania - $
The Baltic Sea
Castles of Lithuania Rest in Lithuania - $
Ancient Trakai