The Lithuanian language (Lietùvių kalbà) is the official language of Lithuania and one of the official languages ​​of the European Union. About three million people in Lithuania are speaking in Lithuanian and about 170 thousand are spoken abroad. Refers to the Baltic group of the Indo-European family of languages, comparatively similar to the Latvian, although they are not mutually intelligible.

Lithuanian is divided into two main dialects: Aukštajt and Jemait (aukštaičių ir žemaičių tarmės). They come from the Lithuanian words "high" and "low" and indicate the dispersal of their carriers relative to the course of the Neman river. Modern Lithuanian literary language is based on the dialect of Western Auschwitz (Suwalkians).

Greetings, common expressions

Hello Creeks
Good Morning Labas rytas
Good day Laba den
Good evening Labas Vakaras
Good bye Iki pasimatimo
So far Iki
How are you? Cape shakashi?
Thank you, good Achu, geray
Thank you Achu
Please Prashau
Sorry Atsiprashau
I do not speak Lithuanian Аш някалбу лиетувишкай
What is your name? Košs vardu?
My name is ... Mano Wardas ...
Yes Tape
No Nd
Does anyone here speak Russian? Чя кас нос калба русишкай?
I do not understand you Аш юс несупранту

For the good of the case

I like you Tu man's shoes
Beauty Grazhole
Handsome Grazhuolis
Let's meet again Gift cards a gift?
Can I kiss you? Galya having her book?
I love you Ash is a mile away
Let's remain friends? Liximaya draugays?
And for you! Kad threw pirkunas triankatu!
Advise a nightclub in Vilnius. Patarkit Vilniaus nectine club
I really like your capital Tallinn! Man lubei patinka jusu sostine Tallinn!
Itself the fool. You think, confused Pats durnus. Teak pamanikit, apsirikau
I do not know how apple cider, and the beer you have is very tasty. Nezhinau Cape I'll pack the cedars, beat the alus passus yus labai scans
Lithuanian girls are very beautiful! Lietuvais is a labe gras!
Yes, dear, I'm telling you this Teyp-tap, myeloi, wha ash tau sakau
From Palanga to Klaipeda I did not see a girl better than you + $ Nuo Palangos iki Klaipedos nyamachyau gyaryasnes panyales her tu
How about a stroll to a nude beach? Cape do pasivayksheimo Iki nudist papuldimi?
And I was not rude at all, I did not know that you are around the corner Ash vishishke nekalbeyau shurggshche, ash gi nezhinoyau cad yus put campo

Figures and numbers

Zero Nulis
One Venās
Two Du
Three Tris
Four Kyaturi
Five Pjanki
Six Sissy
Seven Сяптини
Eight Ashutoni
Nine Devini
Ten Dyascim
Twenty Двидящимт
Twenty-one Dvidjaschemt venas
Twenty-two Droveshchut doo $$
Thirty + $ Trisdashchyt
Forty + $ Кятурясдядямт
Fifty Пянкясдящимт
Sixty + $ Щящясдядяшимт
Seventy Сяптинясдящимт
Eighty ±​​$$ Ashtoning $ ±​​$
Ninety The devil's surrender
Hundred Viennas damtas
Thousand Vienas tukstantis


How much does it cost? Kiek kainuoya?
I'll buy it Ash Shank of the Shield
Can you write a price? Yus galit parashiti kain?
Can you lower the price? Yus galite sumazinti kaina?
Do you accept credit cards? Do you accept lentines?
I would like to buy ... Ash Norechau Nusipirkti ...


Where is the hotel / cinema / casino nearby? Kuru whi netoli ira vieshbutis / movie theater / casino?
Could you write me the address? Ar galetumetya parashit man addresses?
How much breakfast is served? Smoking valanda servirooya pusrichus?
I'd like to pay $ ±​​$ Norechiau atsiskyti
I will pay in cash Ash moksyu grinays


How much is the ticket to ...? Kiek kainuoya ticket and ...?
Two tickets in ..., please Du ticket and ..., prashau
How can I get ...? Cape man patyakti ...?
Please show on the map Prashau, a parodykite of zhyalyapia
Where can I buy a ticket? Do you have a ticket for Nesipirkt Ticket?
Can I walk? Ash a pebble?
I'm lost Ash pasiclidau