Rest in Malaysia is an opportunity to simultaneously touch the Malay, Chinese and Indian culture, and this apart from the traditions of descendants of island tribes living, for example, in Sabah, on the island of Borneo. Multiculturalism is not the only characteristic feature of this Asian country. Geographic diversity allows you to choose a holiday to your taste, starting from interesting excursion programs with a possible rest on one of the many islands and ending with diving tours. Fans of beach recreation will also find a place in the Malayan paradise.

Malaysia can be considered a "mecca" for active tourism enthusiasts .The world's oldest rain forests, covering most of the country's territory, are home to a huge number of species and the richest flora .In order to get acquainted with this tropical world, tourists swim along the rivers, go hiking, including visits to the night jungles, watch birds and orangutans, go to the safari .Another direction is connected with Mount Kinabalu .Climb to the highest peak in Southeast Asia - a real test for extremals .
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Ascent to Kinabalu Mountain

Beach vacation

The long coastline of Malaysia, with white fine sand, azure sea, beautiful views and all the attributes of a tropical paradise, and numerous islands framed by coral reefs, is what attracts tourists from all over the world. Beautiful beaches can be found at such famous resorts as Tioman Island, Pangkor, Langkawi, Penang.

For example, on Tioman it's worth to visit Salang Beach .Pangkor boasts two popular beach areas: Pasir-Bogak and Teluk-Nepah .In addition to rest under the rays of the warm sun, there you can do snorkeling, diving, windsurfing, and just to fish .While Pasir-Bogak is well developed from a tourist point of view, Teluk-Nepakh still preserves the atmosphere of a rather secluded place .Langkawi is a whole archipelago, where the main place for fans of beach recreation is the island with the same name .

Diving in Borneo
The foreign word "snorkeling" means swimming underwater with a tube, mask and sometimes fins.

You can swim in Malaysia almost all year round, except during the storm season in the eastern coast, as well as the time when the sea off the island of Borneo acquires a reddish tinge. The so-called "red tides" are dangerous for those who bathe in possible toxic poisoning. A wet and hot climate, for which rain is a natural phenomenon, can also afflict thunderstorms, however, intense precipitation does fall out at strictly certain times of the year.

Excursion tours

Virtually no sightseeing program is complete without visiting the main city of Malaysia - the capital of Kuala Lumpur .And this is quite understandable .Garden City - a visiting card that combines Asian traditions and cutting-edge technology .Temples, mosques, parks and other cultural attractions, including the famous Petronas Twin Towers, are compulsory at a minimum of .If you are determined to visit the architectural masterpieces yourself, then it is worth remembering that since 2010 the rise to the twin towers paid .The cost depends on which floor you climb, that you are inspecting and whether the dinner is included in the ticket .The cash desk is located on the ground floor .The number of tickets is limited, so it's better to come in the morning .

More than half of the population of today's Malaysia are Muslims, just under twenty percent are Buddhists. This religious distribution affected the appearance of Kuala Lumpur.

In addition, the tour program includes a visit to the environs of Kuala Lumpur, the city of Malacca, the capital of the eponymous state, and one of the islands.

Beaches of Malaysia (English)

Rest with adventures

For wildlife and adventure is best to go to Borneo .In addition to being close to one of the world's favorite diving sites - Sipadan, local rainforests have been settled by tourists for more than a year - $ .There are different options for exploring the rich flora and fauna, but any of them provides direct participation of connoisseurs of the rainforest .An independent campaign can end in the most sad way, as evidenced by the statistics .It is also worth remembering that even though tourists are convinced that a vaccination against malaria is not necessary, the future conquest of Borneo without it will not cost $ ±.

Choosing as a starting point something like Uncle Tan's Camp in the jungle, which provides an opportunity to get as close to animals and exotic plants, you need to be morally and physically ready for the lack of any amenities. As practice shows, the rejection of any benefits of civilization in conjunction with prolonged physical exertion is not so easy, especially to female representatives.

Another popular tourist attraction - the conquest of Mount Kinabalu - starts from the pretty capital of Sabah Kota Kinabalu.

Shops in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Holidays in Malaysia
Rest in Malaysia is shopping,
Beauty of Tengol Island Holidays in Malaysia
beach ...
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and unforgettable excursions