Is there a railway in Malta?

Responds Responds to the information section of the "Subtlety of Tourism"
On today's Malta railway there is no .However, this was not always the case: at the end of the 19th century, Malta remained the last country in Europe without a railway, and its government decided to raise funds and build it,.The railway was built (the railway branch through and through crossed Malta), solemnly launched, started to operate ... And by the beginning of the 30s of the 20th century it became clear that buses on such a small island were preferable to rumbling trains .After that, the railway is destroyed .Until now, not a single section of the road - only a couple of buildings of former stations and one restored wagon .
Responds Svetlana Vella
Now there is no railway communication on the island. But there was a railway in the early 20th century.

April 10, 2012

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