In Mozambique charming diving - and that's it. Here you can swim with dolphins, whales and sharks, see barracuda and marlin, as well as hundreds of species of exotic fish.

The climate of the country has two distinct seasons - dry and wet (from October to March). In the latter case, tropical showers and cyclones will not enjoy diving. The water temperature, as a rule, is kept at the level of +24 ° C.

Tofu Beach

Tofo Beach is in the south of Mozambique, a 25-minute drive from Inhambane Airport and 480 km from the capital of Maputo. Despite the fact that Tofu is a small village, there are several hotels and bungalows, and, of course, quality dive centers. Recently, Tofu beach has been increasingly acquiring the image of the "future Goa", young people and backpackers from all over the world are seeking this.

On Tofu Beach, the most popular is the Manta Reef, in addition, you can see sharks and migrating humpback whales. Most dive sites in Tofu are at a depth of 25-30 m and require a deep-dive certificate for immersion. Visibility about 20 m.

Diving in Mozambique

Guinjata Bay

Guinjata Bay - a small bay, cozy bending on a chic sandy beach near Tofu Beach. Local sites are covered with soft and hard corals, and the abundance of fish, as a rule, satisfies even the most demanding divers.

Popular dive sites: Batfish Pinnacle, Devils Peak, Disneyland, Greentree Reef, Hard Rock, Island Rock, Manta Reef, North Greentree, Paindane Coral Garden, Paindane Express, Pao Reef, Xstacy Reef.

The Bazaruto Archipelago

The main eponymous island of the archipelago - Bazaruto - a popular dali site near the Tofu beach, stretched for 37 km in length and about 7 km - in width. Popular dive sites:

  • Sangareema Point - excellent night diving, shark-bulls (Zambezi), depth up to 40 m
  • Cape Sebastian, located in the south of the island of Bazaruto, is suitable for experienced divers; the depth reaches 50-60 m
  • Tumile Reef is in the strait between the islands of Benguero and Bazaruto; depth 5-15 m; beautiful mountain underwater landscape


The city of Pemba is located in the north of the country and is famous for its amazing diving and snorkeling. Along the beach of Wimbe, 100 meters stretch Pemba Dive Reef, where besides admiring exotic fish you can also swim with dolphins.

Pemba Bay is famous for its huge variety of soft and hard corals, dolphins, whales, turtles and Napoleon fish. In addition, it is popular fishing for tuna, barracuda and other fish. The water temperature in this region is +26 ... 29 ° C, in winter it can drop to +24 ° C.

Nautilus, Micronesia.jpeg Diving in Mozambique
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Diving in Mozambique