Nepal - a country with a very ancient history . As early as the 7th century BC, the Kirats founded their dynasty and for a thousand years managed a large territory that included the Kathmandu valley . It was under the Kirats that the spread began Buddhism in the territory of Nepal . When they rule in the 3rd century to n . e . The Emperor of India Ashoka visited Lumbini, where he installed a column at the birthplace of the Buddha . The management of Kirat continued until end of the 3rd century n . e . This was the time when Buddhism became the main religion of the ruling dynasty . According to legends, the Buddha and his pupil Ananda visited the Kathmandu valley and remained in Patan . At the end of 3 in ±​​$ of the Christian era the influence of Indo-Aryan nationalities from India increased in Nepal, which led to the strengthening of the positions of Hinduism . Since that time gradually becomes the dominant religion Hinduism . King of Nepal was considered the head of all Indians . . Article Exotic Nepal 1

 Exotic Nepal. Kingdom of the Empire of Kirat  Exotic Nepal. Kingdom of the Empire of the Kirats

- the most beautiful and still mysterious country located among the highest peaks of the Himalayas . Most of its territory is at an altitude of more than 3000 m above sea level . Here you can see everything: from the humid jungles in the south near the Indian border, to the eternal snows on the eight thousandths of the Himalayan range. - $ . Tours to Nepal are famous for their pristine natural beauty, there are a lot of cozy corners with untouched nature yet . In many areas, entry is prohibited or requires special permission . Almost only three mountain tourist areas are open to foreigners - Khumbu Himal (Neighborhood of Everest), Annapurna and Lantang .

Capital : Kathmandu - a population of about 2 million people. The founding of the capital of Nepal - Kathmandu (up to the 16th century - Kantipur) is attributed to the Nepal ruler Gunakamadeva (8th century), who transferred the capital of his state from Lalitpur (Patan) here. Since 1769, since the re-creation of Prithvi Narayan of the centralized Nepalese state, Kathmandu has become the capital of all Nepal. Modern Kathmandu is the administrative and cultural capital of Nepal. One of the most ancient Buddhist shrines of the Kathmandu valley is the Swayambhunath stupa. On the bank of the sacred river Bagmati is temple complex Pashupatinath - a sacred place for all Hindus.

A tour to Nepal will be a real adventure and a journey into a world full of secrets and vivid impressions. It is a very calm country with friendly and friendly residents. During your journey, you may well meet stray hermits - Sadhus, who will gladly bless you on the road, especially if you give them a few rupees for their ashram. Many of them also possess the secrets of yoga and magic perfectly.

Article Exotic Nepal 2 Exotic Nepal. Kingdom of the Empire of the Kirats

One of the most interesting places in Nepal, where wildlife can be observed in their natural environment, is Chitwan National Park Once it was a royal hunting ground and carefully guarded .Here you can live in small huts with all amenities, go on a jeep safari or riding an elephant and see the life of a tropical jungle in all its glory..Customs and traditions of the country require special respect: the whole life of Nepalese people is impregnated with religious dogmas .Officially, a large part of the population professes Hinduism, although in practice the Nepalese religion is a complex combination of Hinduism and Buddhism, which is not surprising: from ancient times Nepal was a kingdom on the periphery of India, and at the same time it was the birthplace of the Buddha Shakyamuni - in Lumbini , near the modern capital - the city of Kathmandu .Currently, tours to Nepal are gaining popularity and are a pleasant alternative for outdoor enthusiasts .Now on the birthplace of the Buddha temples of a stupa and a monastery are built, which have become one of the main places of pilgrimage of Buddhists from around the world..

Nepal is waiting for you and will reveal to you its secrets and unspeakable beauty!