Pokhara is a city in central Nepal, located 200 km west of Kathmandu (seven to eight hours drive). It is the second most popular city in the country, attracts tourists with picturesque landscapes and proximity of the main peaks of Nepal - Daulagiri, Annapurna, Manaslu and others. The city is on the very beautiful Lake Feva, here start a few major Nepalese tracks, including a three-week bypass Annapurna.

Only in Pokhara there are unique eared Himalayan hedgehogs.
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Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 19 + 21 + 26 + 29 + 29 + 30 + 29 + 29 + 28 + 26 + 23 + 20
night + 6 + 8 + 12 + 15 + 18 + 20 + 21 + 21 + 20 + 16 + 11 + 7

The climate of Pokhara is slightly warmer than in Kathmandu. In the daytime the temperature ranges from 15 degrees in winter and up to 35 degrees in summer. Abstain from visiting better in the rainy season, which lasts from mid-June to mid-September. It is most comfortable to enjoy local beauties from October to April.


Along the whole coast of the lake stretches the area of ​​innumerable hotels, restaurants and shops - Lakeside. The Damside area, likewise with Laikside (or Pardi and Baidam, in Nepalese, respectively), are paid close attention to tourists, thanks to lively streets with hotels and restaurants. And miniature confectionery shops will force to stay near local unusual delicacies for a long time.

Practically all interesting places of Pokhara are concentrated around Lake Phewa, where you can rent nice wooden boats and sailboats, and on the lakes of Begnas and Rupa, fishing is widespread.

The most famous place in Pokhara is a bazaar stretching almost seven kilometers: everything is sold there ±. $
5 things worth doing in Pokhara
  1. To test a new type of sport that is gaining popularity is the "parahocking" (para-hawk), thanks to which the paraglider makes a flight in pair with a trained hawk, who at that moment acts as a determinant of ascending air currents.
  2. Meet the dawn on Sarangkot. For this, you have to walk 2 hours on foot. You can take a taxi (cost from Lake side - about 8 dollars) or come to Sarangkot on the eve and spend the night here, and in the morning for 5 minutes to climb to the coveted mountain top.
  3. Take a session of "Nepalese massage", which is offered by charming local boys.
  4. To fly from the mountain Sarangkot. It is possible with an instructor in tandem, but you can take a paraglider for hire or fly independently.
  5. Take part in the festive Saturday fair near the Temple of Bindbyabasini, dedicated to the goddess Bhagwati. Find it simply by a string of believers in the old bazaar.

Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing

The main attraction of Pokhara is, undoubtedly, an amazing view of the Himalayas, or rather the panorama of the Annapurna Ridge with the five peaks of Annapurna and the southern peak.

Temple of Barahi. So we got to the brightest religious pearl of Pokhara. The temple cozily wrapped in its arms the island right in the middle of Lake Phewa. Every day hundreds of believers come here to receive a blessing. To join the pilgrims, you need to rent a boat or use a public boat. The fare is forty cents.

Museum of mountains

Immediately three years ago, the world's only museum of mountains is open, from which you can immediately see the appearance of 3 "eight-thousand-square meters" - $ .The exposition of the museum is so full that all day will pass unnoticed in its halls, and it is not surprising: objects of Nepalese life, clothing, tools of Nepal people from different nationalities, photo exhibition about the life of modern Nepal, samples of stones and fossils from the depths of the Himalayan mountains, photographs of plants, alcoholized frogs and snakes, climbing equipment, the results of an ecological expedition that took place in the base camp of Everest, and much more..The entrance to the museum costs 300 rupees (about $ 5) .

World Peace Pagoda

World Peace Pagoda is a powerful Buddhist stupa, located on the top of a hill on the southern shore of Lake Phewa .The way here goes first by boat on the lake, and then through the mountain .The easiest way to get there is the bus .But the rest of the way will have to be overcome through the crowds of screaming and annoying local children who demand either a coin or sweetness .The second option is to swim by boat to the other side of the lake and climb up the path through the forest .A fairly risky way, since in the woods robbers often meet .The third option is from the side of the Dam Side (which is located near the Lake Side) through the jungle, however, to find it will require the help of local residents .


Temple of Dakshinkali

The elegant temple of Dakshinkali (Dakshinkali) is located near Pokhara in the southern end of the Kathmandu valley. Despite the fact that the shrine hid in a dark, somewhat ghostly place, it is necessary to overcome fears and personally see the six-armed goddess Kali, the wife of Shiva in her most bloody incarnation, to which the temple is dedicated. Twice a week Nepalese make a trek here to satisfy her blood lust, bringing bison, chickens, ducks, goats, sheep to the goddess on Saturday and during the Dasain festival in October.

Other sights

The large, noisy river Seti Gandaki crosses the whole city. Excellent shots can turn out on Mahendra Puli - a small bridge near the old hospital. To gaze at the Devi's Fall waterfall, among the locals known as Patale Chhango (Hell's Fall), the fall of Devi (also known as Devin or David), can be two kilometers southwest of Pokhara Airport, right on the Tansen highway. And if you drive two kilometers from the airport on the Siddhartha highway, you will inevitably get into the sacred cave Gupteswar Gupha, the place of storage of the phallic symbol of Shiva. The entrance to the cave costs five rupees, and, by the way, shooting inside the cave is strictly prohibited.

A curious journey can come from a trip to Mahendra Gupha, the local name is Chamero Odhaar ("House of the Bat"), into a large calcareous cave, the interior of which is cut by freakish stalactites and stalagmites. The journey takes about two hours north of Pokhara. Take a flashlight with you.

Twice a week, Nepalese march to the temple of Dakshinkali to satisfy the desires of the blood of the goddess Kali, bringing bison, chickens, ducks, goats, sheep to the sacrifice on Saturday and during the Dasain festival in October.

Active rest is

To visit the shore of this colorful lake Fewa and not ride a boat - an inexcusable omission. The vessel can be rented for an hour for $ 3 or for a whole day for $ 8. Fold another dollar and the oarsman will help you. Another way to diversify your leisure is riding a horse. The cost is about 1000 rupees for 3 hours. For fans of bicycles, their hire is carried out by many hotels on the lake side.

Tired of walking, it is possible to rent a bicycle to visit the village of Tushing, where you can buy a real Tibetan carpet.


The most interesting are the Pokhara Museum and the Annapurna Museum. The first is between the airport and Mahendra Puli, in its halls the exposition is imbued with the ethnic spirit of the country. The unique mosaic of western Nepal is fascinating. The museum is open daily, except on Tuesdays and public holidays, from 10.00 to 16.00. The admission fee is 5 rupees, if you plan to shoot and take photos, you will have to pay in addition.

The Annapurna Museum, known as the Natural History Museum, located in Prithvi Narayan Campus, east of the old bazaar, is famous for its unique collection of butterflies, insects, birds and wild animals, specimens of various precious and semiprecious stones and volcanic rocks. Visitors are welcome here daily except on weekends and holidays. The entrance to the museum is free.