White nights, melodic splashing of waves, pacifying the whisper of old pines, piercing cries of seagulls, songs by the fire and the smell of fresh ears, the cricket of a cricket - rest in Karelia filled with picturesque landscapes, marvelous aromas and whirlpool of emotions will remain in your memory forever. Karelia is an earthly paradise for those who prefer active recreation, nature endowed these lands with untold riches and thus created great opportunities for sport and extreme tourism.

Karelia is an earthly paradise for those who prefer active rest.

Active holidays in Karelia are alloys on catamarans, kayaks or rafts, jeep safaris, hiking in the mountains, fishing in emerald lakes, dog sledding, hunting and even walking on an air-cushion ship.

Rivers, fishing and hunting

The most popular type of recreation in Karelia is, perhaps, all kinds of rafting along the rivers. There are several options for such a holiday: it can be water hikes or small rafting trips, multi-day rafting and alloys with access to the sea. Depending on the preferences, tourists can go on an organized tour or plan an independent trip with their equipment.

For corporate holidays, short three-day or four-day rafts are perfect, long trips are preferred by tourists with team spirit, for which the alloy is a kind of struggle with the water element, filled with speed, drive and adrenaline.

Rafting along the Keret river will acquaint you with the most unique places of northern Karelia, the route of rafting along the Okhta river, which is marked by rapid rapids, passes through several amazing Karelian lakes, and beginners will surely like the uncomplicated rafting along the South Shuya River.

The coast of Pellotsaari island.jpeg Active rest in Karelia
Beautiful landscapes of Pellotsaari.jpeg Active rest in Karelia
A cluster of petroglyphs - Besovy Tracks and Erpin Pudas.jpeg Active rest in Karelia

Karelia, as you know, is the edge of a thousand blue lakes .Local reservoirs are of great interest even for seasoned fishermen, the weight of the trophies captured here is amazing ... $ .Do not leave anyone indifferent and the aroma of cooked on fire soup, and romantic gatherings by the fire, and colorful sunrises .Tourists who do not represent their leisure without traffic can perfectly combine a contemplative fishing with walking tours and visit the unexplored places of this amazing edge .Fans of gambling will also not be left without prey, because the taiga forests of Karelia are famous for their livestock .Here live moose, wolves, lynx, bears, otters, reindeer; from game there are wood grouses, white partridges, grouse, ducks, geese .

Hunting in Karelia is under the strict control of the state and is allowed only at the time specified by the protection department.

Winter in Karelia is

Active rest in Karelia is wonderful also in winter. Possibilities for an exciting pastime in the winter are more than enough: these are ski trips, and dog and reindeer sleigh rides, and horseback riding, tours on pneumatic cross-country vehicles and snowmobiles. There are also more usual entertainments: skating, skiing and "cheesecake" and, of course, all kinds of snow fun. In winter there is no strong influx of vacationers in Karelia, so this season is the best for contemplation and a pleasant holiday.