The huge territory and rich natural resources allow Russia to offer every year more opportunities for active tourism. The number of people wishing to change the usual beach and excursion holidays to something more extreme is growing steadily, because this is a great way to believe in your opportunities and gain invaluable experience.

Active tours are always an exciting journey that will remain in your memory and photos for life.

Attracts tourists and a variety of options for outdoor activities in Russia .Hiking through the amazing Crimean mountains, rafting along the stormy rivers of Karelia, horseback riding, tours to Baikal, ski tours and skiing - it does not matter where you choose your choice..What is important is that active tours are always an exciting journey that will remain in your memory for life and in photos .Attractive is the financial side: after all, travel with a backpack behind shoulders does not require money injections, and the trouble with issuing documents to independent tourists do not bother .

Active tourism means a fairly long stay in the open air, rest in tents, accommodation in campsites, so you should prepare for some everyday inconveniences.

Geography of active leisure in Russia

It is impossible to cover the entire geography of Russian outdoor activities .In the Krasnodar Territory, hiking around the mountain resort of Hajokh .Tourists take part in rafting on the mountain rivers, do trekking, visit the waterfalls of Rufabgo, Aminovskoe gorge, the Azish cave, the canyon of the Belaya River .Crimea attracts travelers with its majestic mountains and unique natural monuments: the Red and Marble caves, the Chatyrdag and Demerdzhi mountains, the Roman-Kosh mountains and the legendary Ai-Petri, abandoned cities, crystal lakes, waterfalls and canyons - an active rest in Crimea is truly inexhaustible. The .

Do not worry about your physical abilities. You do not need to be a professional sportsman for an active holiday, because you are waited first of all by rest, not by competition in strength and agility.
Active rest in Karelia Active leisure in Russia
Active rest in winter, Lake Baikal Active leisure in Russia
Active rest on Baikal, alloys Active leisure in Russia

Indelible impressions will be presented by water trips in Karelia and the Urals, alloys on catamarans along the Ural rivers Zilim, Belaya, Nugush, horse tours in the Southern Urals .Fans of walking routes are invited by Altai, pedestrian tourism in Kamchatka, Sakhalin and Kuriles is widely developed .Those who are not looking for beaten paths and are not afraid of weather surprises are waiting for tours to Elbrus, and lovers of pristine nature will surely remember the conquest of Thach mountain, located on the border of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea..The Thach mountain range is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List .

Opportunities for winter outdoor activities

By the way, in winter, active rest in Russia is no less popular. Adherents of skiing will conquer Karelia: a ski route to Kizhi passes through the Karelian forests, picturesque villages with unique monuments of architecture of Ancient Russia, snow-covered shores of Onega Lake. Horseback riding in the Urals will acquaint you with the amazing nature of this region. The most popular routes of these hikes are laid along the ridges of the spurs of the Kraka-Tau Ridge and the banks of the Kaga and Agidel rivers.