Airports of arrival: Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, Vnukovo.

How to get to the city center: By Aeroexpress from any airport (from 40 minutes and 400 RUB), by buses (from 30 minutes and 100 RUB), by bus (30 minutes and 120 RUB) or by taxi (from 30 minutes and 1200 RUB) .

Currency: RUB, Russian ruble.

Rent a car: Rent a car from ... RUB per day.

Why fly to Moscow: To see the "heart of the Russian land" Kremlin, listen to the battle of the bells of the Spassky tower on Red Square, join the beautiful in the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the Tretyakov Gallery and breathe the atmosphere of provincial antiquities in the cities of the Golden Ring.

The capital of our homeland and one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Moscow boasts a solid tourist traffic: for a year it is visited by about two million foreign tourists, and the number of visitors from other cities of Russia and does not lend themselves to calculating .For such interest there are all grounds: magnificent museums and galleries, a lot of historical buildings, finally - an exceptional mixture of evidence of ancient history and incredible modernity - all this can be found in Moscow .The rich sightseeing base of the city is supported by the developed infrastructure of rest and in particular - perfectly adjusted air communication with the cities of our vast and most of the world capitals .Tourists can buy air tickets to Moscow from almost any large populated place in Russia .And foreign tourists come to the capital on the wings of not only national, but also Russian airlines: thanks to the code-sharing agreements in Moscow you can fly from almost anywhere in the world .The

Where to land

The capital's guests are three Moscow international airports: Sheremetyevo in the north of the capital, Vnukovo in the west and Domodedovo in the south-west. From any of them to the city center can be easily reached by aeroexpress: the trains depart every half hour, the journey takes no more than 45 minutes. Also, arrivals can use the service of taxis, shuttles and shuttle buses.

The largest metropolitan airport is Sheremetyevo, the most modern is Domodedovo, and the most promising is Vnukovo. The latter has already become the base for a number of major airlines, including one of the world's best air carriers "Turkish Airlines".
There is no particular difference in the choice of the airport: the air gates of the capital are approximately at an equal distance from the city and are equally well connected to its center.
Thanks to the code-sharing agreements in Moscow, you can fly from almost anywhere in the world.

Flights to Moscow from the cities of Russia

Buy air ticket to Moscow can be from any more or less large city of Russia .In the forefront, of course, is the northern capital of St. Petersburg, from where more than thirty flights a day depart for Moscow with a landing at every Moscow airport .On the route are Aeroflot, Transaero, S7, UTair and many others .Up to ten flights a day to Moscow, and flies from the cities of "million": Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don and other .The main national carrier is Aeroflot, as well as the regional airlines DonAvia, KrasAvia, NordStar, Ural Airlines, Yakutia, Yamal and others..The
Domestic flights land mainly at Domodedovo and Vnukovo airports.

Most cities with a population of 200-300 thousand are also connected to the capital by direct flights of domestic airlines, and from medium-sized settlements they are most likely to have to transfer.

Flights to Moscow from abroad

Sheremetyevo - the main international air gate of Moscow .The number of foreign airlines, whose flights land on its runways, are approaching a hundred: these are the leading European air carriers (Air France, Lufthansa, Iberia, Alitalia ...), and Asian companies (Thai Airways, Emirates, Turkish Airlines), and national carriers in the Americas .And from here to all the ends of the planet, Aeroflot flies - the main airline of Russia .Thanks to the code-sharing agreement between the majority of international airlines and Aeroflot, passengers can easily buy an air ticket to Moscow from abroad and come comfortably to Russia .The