How to get from Belgrade to the fortress in Smederevo?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Smederevskaya fortress is located in the heart of Smederevo, located just 50 km from Belgrade. You can get there on the direct bus Belgrade - Smederevo, on the way you spend about an hour. Buses depart frequently - 2-3 flights per hour.

You can get there with a transfer (this route is non-tourist, and therefore comes out much cheaper): from Belgrade by bus to Grotsky, from Grotske take a bus to Smederevo.

On the spot to look for Smederevskaya "tvrdzhava" - the fortress - will not have to: its towers can be clearly seen from the bus station. Near the fortress there is also a railway station, from where you can also go to Belgrade. The train will leave twice as long, plus a transfer at Mala Krasna station.

June 7, 2013

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