How can it be more convenient and faster to reach by land transport from Belgrade to Kotor? If you take the Belgrade-Bar train, where is it better to get off (Bar, or Podgorica, and what to change? Is there a bus?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Belgrade and Kotor do not have a railway connection, so it's easiest to get there with a transfer, for example, first by the Belgrade-Bar train with a drop-off either in Podgorica or in the Bar.

The distance to Kotor from Bar and Podgorica is approximately the same, so there is a big difference where exactly there is no exit. From Bar to Kotor followed by regular buses with a stop in Budva, Becici and Petrovac. The fare is small, about 3 EUR, travel time is around an hour. At the height of the season in July and August, traffic jams are possible.

From Podgorica in Kotor, the bus takes two hours. The fare is 3-5 EUR. By taxi the same distance will cost 10 EUR. The price includes passage on a paid tunnel - 2, 5 EUR - take this into account when traveling on a rented car.

August 15, 2013

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